Chapter 26 Mystery Person...

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So I said I am having exams and then decided to go MIA, but I was facing a lot of problems so it didn't occur to me I wasn't updating at all...
So the song and artist for this chapter is as follows:

Song name: Heart Beat Song
Original artist: Kelly Clarkson
Cover by: Cloe Adams

So without a further a do, here is chapter 26 of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!

Chapter No. 26

Amalie's POV:

Daniel told them everything, and Austin looked just as enraged as Daniel... And that's saying something. My office was sealed, and the bear was with the police. In this entire while I was thinking where I had seen that bear before??? Just where... Then it hit me the day I was kidnapped the bear was with me. It was the only thing I didn't let go of no matter what. My eyes widened at the recollection... Dan was still explaining when I headed into my room and took a look at the picture which Mommy gave me I was in Daddy's arms and absolutely thrilled seeing the bear which was in Mommy's hands. I lost it the day I lost my parents... Then how? I felt someone put their arm around my waist. I didn't need to look to know it was Austin, I leaned towards his shoulder and sighed.

"What's the matter Malie?"

Sighing I handed him the picture frame, "The bear in this picture is the same as the threat that was delivered today. There's no doubt that it was the same because it was really old, and exactly the same." His hold on my waist tightened.

"Malie, where is that threat now?"

"Dan, called the police so it's retained by them, why?"

"Someone is seriously out to get you, whatever may the reason be. I won't take any chances... Like I mentioned before Brian is no ordinary person. He has connections that run more deep than oceans."

"What are you trying to say Austin?" I asked thoroughly confused.

"Just know that whatever he does is legal no need to worry about that." He shrugged.

Than it clicked! Of course, why didn't I think about it before, "He's in a Mafia isn't he?" I said turning my head in Austin's direction.

"Corriger chérie. You're quick to pick up." He smiled slightly.

"You do know that I don't understand a word you just said... except for what you said in English."

He chuckled, and kissed the side of my head. Another question popped in my head, "Mafia is really dangerous, and how did you end up with someone like him?"

"Chérie, you don't know our history, and just to make it clear, Brian deals in everything legal, and pretty much helps those who truly need it but drug lords don't ever try to cross paths with him. His Mafia is the only Mafia that deals in legal things, and is with the government. Basically the government is honestly running because they have his Mafia's support. If not than it would've been torn in seconds."

"Woah... I always had scary image of Mafia, but his is the complete opposite of it... And you've called me chérie many times but not once told me what it means?"

"It means sweetheart. Brian is going to talk to the police tomorrow and we're going to deal this matter now our way. We can't let them threaten you and get away with it!" He was really angry, and it matched Dan's in this respect.

Later that night, I had one of those nightmares again. With those fake guardians. It's been a while since I had those nightmares. I didn't even notice that I screamed until I felt Austin shaking me up, "Malie! It's okay, no one can harm you here."

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