Chapter 3 Past Revealed Part 2

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So the song and singer for this chapter are someone I hadn't thought of before but listening to it I recommend everyone should give it a go.

Song Name: Walls

Singer Name: Louis Tomlinson 

Chapter No. 3

past revealed part 2

*Maria's living lounge*

Amalie's POV:

"My employers suddenly were so rich that it was unbelievable. I didn't know what was up and neither did I have the intention of finding out I just wanted to mind my own business and quit as soon as I got the chance. But that there was a great feast and I wasn't getting a chance to talk so I gave up and thought I would talk tomorrow. I went to the basement to get my uniform when I first saw Amalie silently crying. I immediately ran to her and asked her what is wrong? At first she didn't reply because she was afraid I might tell her aunt and uncle....... But when I assured her that I wouldn't say a word than she finally said that she has not eaten for last 2 days."

Maria gasped in shock and quickly got from the bed and took me in her arms and hugged, I felt warmth which had been ages since I last felt it. It reminded me of my mom. I hugged her back unintentionally and when I realized what I was doing quickly withdrew afraid that I might get attached. When I was certain she would not allow me to live with her and Stella. She noticed my actions and put me on the bed where Stella now also came and sat down and made me sit in between them.

Then she asked, "Dear do you want to drink milk?"

I was confused and didn't know how to answer. I looked at Stella to help but she smiled and nodded at me to answer without worrying.

"Umm, c-can I have cookies with it as it t-tastes better with i-it?" I tried to say without stuttering too much.

"Of course you can I will be just minute, Stella put her to bed she must be exhausted and so are you. Both of you can sleep here. I will be just a minute." With that Miss. Maria left in the meanwhile Stella got ready for bed put me beside her.

Stella hugged me close to her and said, "My sister can be a bit strict but is a wonderful person once you get to know her, Amalie. So please relax ok?"

I nodded. After a few minutes Stella was now in bed with me and her arm around me protectively. Miss Maria came with a tray of freshly baked cookies and milk and set it in front of me. I shared my cookies with them as it made me happy. Miss. Maria wiped my mouth. And took the tray of empty plate and glass and set aside. She was about to leave when I asked, "Please stay here...?"

"What?" She asked turning towards me.

"The bed is big enough for all of us. I like you I want you to stay so please?"

She smiled, "sure thing sweetie and would you like to hear a bed time story?"

I gave her a small smile and nodded. By this time Stella was already asleep, I knew she was very tired. I was in the middle Stella on my left and Miss Maria on my right. I snuggled into her as she told me the story of Cinderella it lulled me into sleep. I think that was the first I slept peacefully in a long time.


I was woken by Stella, "Amalie, dear Maria made pancakes come on get up so that we can have breakfast."

It was still a little hazy then it all came back to me, seeing my fear on my face Stella added, "Don't worry no one is sending you back."

Relief washed over me and I quickly got ready and headed to kitchen where 3 plates were set with pancakes. And orange juice to go with it but for me it was a glass of milk. The chair being higher made it hard for me climb up. Miss Maria picked me up set me on her lap and started feeding me. I didn't want to take her kindness for granted so offered to do the dishes at which she became very angry and said, "In this house dear you are never going to do the dishes! Please go the lounge. Stella switch on some cartoon channel so she acts like a child that she should be."

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