Chapter 45 You're Really Strong, Mommy.

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The song and singer for this chapter for this chapter are as follows:

Song Name: At Last It's Me

Singer Name: 

Chapter No. 45

Amalie's POV:

I feel as though someone is leaving light feather kisses from my jaw to my neck. Knowing who it exactly is but still not in the mood to wake up I turn my body away. Austin chuckles at childishness but I could care less.

"Chérie, wake up."

I pull the comforter over my face, and pout even though I know he can't see it, "I know you're pouting, don't make me tickle you."

At the word tickle I instantly throw my comforter away and sit up, "I'm awake! I'm awake..."

He chuckles, and to this I really pout, "Why does everyone gang up on me?"

"Because it's already 11 in the morning and this is the best way to wake you up. Now come on freshen up, everyone is waiting downstairs so we can all have breakfast." Austin kisses on the top of my head and moves away from the bed.

Sighing, and slightly surprised I put my feet down putting on my slippers. But as soon as I try to get up my vision blurs. Thankfully the bed is there to break my fall. Austin is there and looks at me a bit concerned.

"Chérie, are you alright?"

"Yeah, my head hurts a little."

"Wait here, I'll ask Scarlet to check up on you."

I nod, but even with even just a little nod I feel dizzy, not a moment later Mommy, accompanied by Dawn and Scar come into the room with Austin, Scar checks on my condition and then says, "It's nothing serious, but because the clot is still there which is causing some problems. But meds will help. But you can't take them without eating something."

"If that's the case than we'll just let Amalie have breakfast here." Dawn says.

I shake my head, "No need, I'm fine. I like eating with everyone."

"Are you sure, dear?" Mommy asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I smile.

They all leave except Austin, "Go ahead and change but I'm staying in case you need me."

"You're really an awesome boyfriend, you know that?" I giggle.

"Well I'm still trying because for some reason my girlfriend loves driving me nuts." He chuckles.

Getting up this I feel less dizzy and walk into the closet only to see that there are more clothes than previously, I shake my head at their craziness and pick out my outfit since I'm staying home. I choose comfort.

Doing my business and thoroughly washing up I change into my clothes

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Doing my business and thoroughly washing up I change into my clothes. Then I step out. I see Austin sitting on his bed looking at his phone knitted brows.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

He looks up, and instantly a smile graces his face, "Yeah, chérie, but after breakfast you have a lot of explaining to do."

I sigh and nod.

Since today is good weather outside us, meaning my birth family, adoptive family, including Maria, Lil, Jason and Brian sit outside.

Brian still had a hard believing that I was the one who kicked his butt, and then he complained that my punch was hard. That's makes no sense! Punches are supposed to be hard. Anyways I explain whatever I've been able to find out and ask Daphne to hand over the files we had.

To say everyone is shocked might be an understatement, looking at my parents I remember Dustin's last words and my face turns stern, "Mommy, I wanted to ask you something... Actually both of you."

My parents look at each other than at me, "Pumpkin, ask whatever you want to."

"Dustin mentioned that you guys were responsible for ruining that person's life... Did something happen?" I state than ask.

"Pumpkin, I don't remember anything like that... Did Dustin mention any name?" Daddy replies slowly.

"The memories I lost when I was kidnapped... I got them all back... And when were you all going to tell me that my brain took a major hit due to drug over dose when I was 3?" I ask incredulously.

They all look as though they've seen a ghost, when Mom answers, "Doctors told us that we had to keep you away from things that allowed you to remember because that could affect not only your brain but also your body. Since, we had no leads on the James family. We thought it would be best not to let you know because you were taking too much pressure."

I nod, "It's okay, I understand. But recovering my memories did me one good, I remembered the person who had ordered me to be killed, and if he's alive right now, I think he has something to do with my parents... Do you guys know a man whose name is Jared and as far as I remembered he had mismatched eyes."

My parents looked as though they'd seen a ghost, but it wasn't only them. Dawn and William seemed to be in the same state, "Amalie dear, a-are you 100% sure that his name is Jared?" Dawn asked afraid of the answer.

"Yeah, I remember, now very vividly. Because he was the one who ordered them to kidnap me and disable me in such a way that I would be beyond recovery."

"Oh Lord!" Dawn gasped, putting her hands to her mouth.

"That means you all know something, don't you?" Sese questioned.

They all nodded, "But before you know about him, you all need to know the history of us four." Mommy sighed, then continued, "Mal dear, you remember that I told you that I and Dawn are both orphans but have always been very close?"

All of us nodded, "When I was 15 a family offered to adopt me but males of the family were beyond despicable, and in self-defense and trying to protect my adoptive mother, I accidently killed her son. I had to flee from there because even the police supported the men of the family. When I thought I had left dreadful past. It came back breaking the door, and the man warned me since I was still underage and he was the legal guardian he could take me back and if I tried to involve the police he would kill the only person I loved at the time who was my everything."

Dawn took over, "Me. She didn't tell me anything and suddenly disappeared for 3 weeks until I got a call from the hospital that Lilly had been injured, upon reaching I found out that Lilly accidently killed that man, but it only happened because he was trying to rape her. We thought that our past had finally let us go but boy were we wrong. Will and David fell in love with us but Lilly always kept David at arm's length, due to 2 reasons, one because she had lost faith in men and other was a woman who warned her to stay away from her fiancé. But it didn't work since David broke off things with her way before pursuing Lilly. But that woman wasn't happy, and involved her brother and boyfriend who unfortunately also happened to be the younger son of the family, who tried to rape Lilly. In all the fighting, David lost his father, who sacrificed himself to save his daughter-in-law and his grandchild. But in that ambush the woman and brother were killed but her boyfriend or Jared escaped. We didn't think he was still alive..."

I sat there with absolutely no words... Actually I think none of us had any words after this. He tried to kill me because he wanted to get even with my mother. Even after all these years. Unbelievable!

I got up from my place and hugged my parents, because they faced some really gruesome events, which I never want to live. I then let go and hugged my mommy again, "You're really strong, Mommy." I smiled.

"I may not have been if it wasn't for Dawn, then your Daddy, and Will." She smiled back at me.

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