Chapter 61 Engagement Part II

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Another chapter is being published. And in this one, I want to thank the few people who made my day with their votes. This is my very first work and I'm happy to say that even though I didn't garner voters and fans in this book but because of even one or two people liking my work it gave me hope to continue. And finally, this book is reaching its finale. I hope you'll all like it. But a prior warning is a pure romance book it will not contain a sexual scene. If anyone is hoping or reading because of it then sorry to disappoint.  But if reading because they are honestly intrigued than be my guest!

Song Name: Crush (Also used in the chapter as the first song)

Singer Name: David Archuleta

Chapter No. 61

Amalie's POV:

All of my family comes by either side of me, "He wanted to do something so different that would be memorable for you." Dawny Mom says beside me.

"This is the first time I'll ever see bro, perform for someone other than us. He used to say that it was just a hobby nothing more. But I guess he's going to expose his talent to everyone and it's all for you, M." Sese says standing on my other side.

"You guys knew?" I gasp.

Everyone nods, smiling and the guys chuckle, "We never saw him nervous about singing but for you he feels all sorts of emotions, M." Brian chuckles.

Jason and Dan nod. I look back on stage and am surprised to see that my younger siblings Melvin and Mabelle on stage as well. Mabelle on the electric piano and Melvin on another guitar, I think it's a bass. Like what? Do they know how to play? Wow, I really don't know a lot of things.

Before I could ask Austin starts singing. When he starts he sings the first verse on the stage but after that he starts to move down from the stage and directly towards me. I notice that he has a mic piece attached to his tie, allowing his voice to be clear.

I feel a tide of emotions run through me.

Austin's POV:

When we all were planning for the Engagement party, I wanted to do something that would be one-of-kind for my Malie. That's when Jason came up with the idea of me singing. I thought it was ridiculous but I guess you have to do things out of the box once in a while.

She clearly took my breath away when she was standing at the top of the stairs. I've seen her many times but this time she took my breath away quite literally.

When she was busy talking to Saira I took that as my cue to leave. I've never been nervous addressing an audience but this is different from the other times. Today, in front of people I would propose my love for my fiancé all over again. The first song I chose had a lot of sentimental value to me as I was falling deep for her but was afraid to claim my feelings, afraid two things. 1. That she might somehow turn out to be the same as my ex. 2. Because well she was too perfect and scared of having my feelings being rejected.

But she proved me wrong in all aspects. And I couldn't be happier for it. I started to sing Crush. After the initial lines I started to walk down the stage and towards my fiancé who was standing there in the middle of the room mesmerized, and tears in her eyes. It looks like my plan of surprising her fulfilled its purpose.

At the end I wiped away a lone tear which managed to escape her eye, "Thank you, Austin..." She said in a whisper.

She hugs me I return it by wrapping my arms around her waist, "It was truly beautiful... I don't have words to express my feelings."

I chuckle at her emotions, she is now a completely open book to me, I can easily detect her emotions, I kiss her forehead, "There is still one more song, Mon Ange, I planned for you."

She looks up surprised, "Are you planning to make me cry?"

I chuckle, "Nope, and I'll kill anyone who dares to make you cry. Now, can I?"

She nods. Only for the first song I had the twins help me but for the second it was personal and I had Jason hire an official team. I started playing the guitar, and they followed in toe, I start singing, in the middle, I leave playing the guitar and have it taken from me and taking Malie's hand and begin slow dancing. Just like the time we did at dinner, only it was private and now it's in front of an audience but I think we both forgot about them in the song.

Her sparkled and the soft smile that played on her lips made me sigh in utter bliss. I never knew to love someone and then being returned the same love would be so blissful. It's a blessing not many are blessed with so I count myself as one of those lucky fools.

On the last tune of the song, I leaned down which resulted in Malie closing her eyes and I captured in lips with mine. I'd never thought I'd be addicted to anything even a person. But she is the one addiction that happily accepts and cherishes for the rest of my life. Our lips moved in sync, we broke away when we heard claps, whistling from the guys and shouts from the people. I really didn't want other people to see the beautiful blush of Ange. It completely slipped my mind that we had an audience. This is what my Ange does to me. Making me forget about everything.

She hugged me in order to hide herself, and I find it utterly adorable when she does this. This just reflects her innocence more she already has.

The night was a complete success and the entire planning was well worth it.


Thankfully, since she has started talking more about her nightmares, she has started sleeping more peacefully. I've been staring at my sleeping wife-to-be for at least half an hour. She looks like a child when asleep. And the best part about it is that she cuddles into me. Which believe me is heaven for me. But sometimes it can be a real hell as well.

Because well I have to hold myself back from claiming her as mine... And it doesn't help my boner looking at her beautiful body. But I didn't fall for her because of her body. It was and will always be because she is too innocent and beautiful from the inside, which you don't find in today's world.

Well, I promised that I wouldn't claim her but Inever said that I wouldn't touch her or kiss her. I know she's tired, butthroughout the night she was such a tease. It doesn't help she looked beautifulbeyond words in the dress that was designed by my mother-in-law and Lillian.

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