Chapter 22 Old Friends Reunite.

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When I write, I write out of passion, and sincerity of my emotions to story.

The song and artist for this chapter,
Song Name: Eyes Wide Open
Singer Name: Sabrina Carpenter

So without a further a do here is chapter 22 of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER!

Chapter No. 22

Lilly's POV:


The first time I saw my daughter was at the Japanese festival my dear daughter Mabelle was requesting to go since she heard about it. Of course, I thought it had to be a coincidence, nothing less and nothing more. The next time I bumped into her was at the twins' favorite ice-cream parlor. Again, I missed the opportunity to look at her properly when I got a call from my husband about a special dinner needed to be organize for the evening. But when I did I was frozen as was she. No surprise there, my husband since he just finished his work came up to greet the guests but like me he was in for a life stopping shock like me, what we weren't hoping for was Amalie fainting right in front of us. Since her friend was closer to her she caught her and David aided her. We tried to wake her up but it was useless. Worried out of my mind we rushed her to the hospital, all the while I was praying to God to let my dear to be alright. After all this time I finally found her and alive at that. Please let her be with us once more.

Rushing to the hospital, the doctors asked Serena as I and David were completely clueless, I was shocked to discover that Amalie was suffering serious depression issues and was even on medication from a very young age. For proper reports she told the doctors to wait and she called some people. Who were related to them. Not more than 10 minutes to boys arrived and asked Serena so many questions. In the meanwhile Amalie regained consciousness, one of the boys seemed to recognize us but remained silent.

It was hard for Amalie to digest that we were alive, just like it was for us. In all honesty, I had absolutely no idea my dear darling was alive. If I did I would've done anything to get her back. David was more emotional than me. He loved Amalie too much, and since she is our first child she spoiled her to no end and she's also a Daddy's girl. I had so many questions in my mind but decided to put them off for the moment.

I guess she really loves her adoptive family because she seemed unsure to come with us or not but after Daniel's convincing she came with us. I learned that Daniel is her brother and the first and only son of the Andersons. From what Mal, told me they are a really sweet couple just like us, and they love and are very protective of her. It warmed my heart to know that such people still exist in this world.

Amalie told us her side of the story the full version of is when Melvin and Mabelle finally relented and went to their room to play. I was literally horrified hearing her side of the story. David, wanted to kill the people who dared to lay their filthy hands on our beautiful, sweet daughter. Of course I was the same until Mal, told us that they could never hurt anyone anymore and her adoptive father whose name she said is Jack Anderson made sure of it. But because of their ruthless treatment she fell into depression and stopped relying on people. She told us how she met and Austin and Serena. And to be honest it's pretty much similar to how I first met David. My little daughter has been through so much, and I wasn't there to comfort her or protect her.

"Mommy, what are you thinking?" Amalie asked sitting beside me on the couch in our living room.

I sighed, "Nothing, dear, just thinking dear you had endure this all and all alone."

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