Chapter 46 I Would Never Lie

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The song and singer for this chapter for this chapter are as follows:

Song Name: What A Man Gotta Do

Singer Name: Jonas Brothers

Chapter No. 46

Amalie's POV:

Finishing up the shooting quicker than intended, Brian picked me up since Austin was in a meeting. Honestly the last few days have been full of surprises. First of all none of them expected me to be the unofficial member of the Sworn Brothers. Secondly, my parents show up at Dawn's request and have stated are settling here permanently. Rêve James Restaurant is opening its main branch here. Believe me it's the best kind of surprise I've received.

Daddy told me that they're going to shift back into their family mansion, and coincidentally it happened to be in the very same street where I and the Theodores live! But they explained that since Mommy and Dawn love each other to death, Will bought the mansion in this neighborhood because he loves his wife beyond words. And all the girls awed together.

Mommy and Daddy left it up on me where I want to live, seeing that I am really attached to the Andersons. As for everything, Austin has asked me to leave everything in their hands. They'll do everything they can and more. I leave it be because no one is gonna listen to me anyways. And sometimes it's better to rely on others than doing everything by yourself.

I see the familiar gates of out college, and Brian stops at the entrance, "I'll go and pick Lil, she'll be in the library."

Brian nods. I step out and quickly walk towards the direction of library. But Lil meets me halfway, "M! I was calling you, you weren't receiving my calls."

"Sorry, my cell decided it was the perfect time to die." I say.

She just shakes her head, "So who's picking us up? Jason or Austin?"

"Actually, neither. 'Cause Jason got a last minute meeting called in and Austin already has his meetings throughout the day. Which means Brian is picking us up." I respond casually.

I know they have some chemistry going on, but neither is ready to admit their feelings which is actually nuts! The one guy I actually approve for Lil is the guy she is trying to reject.

Her eyes slightly widen, but acts indifferently. On purpose I sit in the back seat but damn Lil doesn't get the sign and sits with me.

"Lil, how was your day?" I ask to reduce the tension in the car.

"Good, I guess. But I really miss your company, M"

"Sorry about that. Don't worry I will be joining next month, so any boys I should be worried about?" I ask jokingly.

At that I immediately notice that now Brian is more alert than previously, whereas Lil looks as though she wants to kill me, "What the heck, Amalie?"

"What? I need to know if I should be on guard or not." I shrug.

Lil sighs, and shakes her head, "No... M you know better than anyone, that after that incident I just don't wanna date. Not everyone is lucky like you."

"Lillian..." I start but she stops me, "Look, I just wanna focus on my career right now. Nothing less nothing more."

She shuts me up and since we're heading to the Boutique it's near the college we reach there in 10 minutes. I and Lil step out and walk into the shop.

Today we have finalize some designs which are going to be the part of the winter fashion show in New York next month. When Kiera leaves us to do our work, I stop and look at Lil, "What's wrong?"

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