Chapter 5 Nothing beats Ice-cream

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The Song and singer for this chapter are as follows:

Song Name: 10,000 Hours

Singer Name(s): Jay + Shay & Justin Bieber

Chapter No. 5

Nothing beats Ice-cream.

Austin's POV:
(Finally! The male protagonist's POV! Enjoy)

Ugh..... This day is going spectacular for me....... Not! I just found out that there are rats in my company, my sister canceled my lunch reservation and made it in another place and to top things of one of favorite cars just got ruined by a fool! Just great just fucking great.

When I thought things couldn't get any worse I had to meet her again at the same restaurant which my sister made the reservation to. She was really hitting my nerves and I rarely get this angry well maybe that is an exaggeration but anyways when she announced she is the Anderson's daughter I instantly remembered that she is adopted. I thought she make smart witted reply but she just froze.

Next thing I knew I was on the floor due to her step-sister's punch wow that girl can punch. Brian and Jason helped me up. What happened next was something I least expected. That girl walked up to me with milkshake in hand and poured it over me. I didn't know how it happened but it took everything in me not to teach her lesson. Instead of standing up for me Serena actually had the guts to still support her. I was now livid.

But then something unexpected happened and Serena revealed that she was the same girl who supported her when she was majorly bullied, I was a total jerk back then so didn't realize the pain she was going through. But I guess that Amalie girl did and somehow helped her though, I was still unsure how did she exactly help her. Before she left she apologized and left.

Serena was the first speak after she left, "What the hell? Brother you are better than this! How could you say such low words to her! Amalie is sweetest person I ever met, not fake at all or like those gold diggers. She was the one helped me when I was all alone!"

"Look Serena can we discuss this later, I have lost my appetite completely." Brian, Jason and I were going to leave but Serena didn't move an inch. Instead she headed towards the brunette.

"You were with Amalie in the same high school, right?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I was. I kind of recognized you but didn't completely you really have changed, I hope you don't let others dictate you anymore."

"Oh hell no, after the hell Amalie went through, I owed her that much at least."

"What do you mean the hell she went through?" Her brother whose name I think is Daniel asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend and my sister. At that Jason, Brian and I halted our steps halted.

"I would've preferred Amalie telling you guys. She had her reasons for hiding everything. Trust me I did my utmost to make her tell the truth but she just turned on me. And you guys know she was suffering from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) at the time well still is but things turned out to be more deadly than I expected."

Serena's hands flew to her mouth and I for the first stood there stunned, Jason was the one who asked her friend, "What do you mean she was suffering PTSD?"

"Exactly what I mean. But anyways seeing Serena being made a target triggered some really horrible memories in her and she just wanted to do something about it before history repeated itself in more gruesome manner, somehow she overheard that they were planning on rapping her, that's when she snapped. Guys if you want to know the details please ask her. I don't want tell everything."

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