Chapter 49 I'm Not Hallucinating, am I?

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So the song and singer for this chapter is a bit emotional for me... Because this songs reminds me a lot of things that I usually bury in my heart. So the song and singer for this chapter are as follows: 

Song Name: You Are The Reason

Singer Name: Calum Scott

So without a further ado, here is another chapter of A Love Like No Other.


Chapter No. 49

Austin's POV:

Even though, Dad has resigned from the company and officially handed it over to me. But knowing the state I am in he stepped in. But this meeting is important meaning I had to attend.

Everyone in the office could sense my mood. The last thing I wanted to do was to be here. No matter how much time Malie takes, I want to be the first one to know if there is even a slight movement, improvement.

I just got out of the meeting when my cell rang, seeing it's Scarlet I immediately pick up, "Austin, get here now!" She desperately said.

Without wasting a minute I moved towards my private elevator, "What's the matter?"

"Amalie's blood pressure has dropped... And fast. Minutes prior, she called out your name but you weren't present and her condition is deteriorated. You need to get here fast!" Scarlet said hurriedly.

It felt as though, someone stabbed me. The one moment she called me, I wasn't there, damn it! My fist connected with the wall of the elevator. Getting out I briskly walked out and called my driver to the front reaching the hospital in record time I see that all our families are together. Just nodding at them I enter the room.

In the morning when I left she was alright, but now she's on life support. Why is God testing me in such a cruel manner? I reach her side, and hold her hand, "Malie, I-I'm here."

"Mr. Theodore I will have to ask you to leave." The doctor said.

I was gonna let him have it when Scarlet entered, "Shawn, let him stay. He's the one Amalie was calling for."

Her face is even paler than before. Holding her hand is as cold as ice, "Malie, you need to fight... I know you won't ever give up. I'm sorry I left you. But I'm here now."

Kissing the backside of her hand, I say the words I promised that I would say the moment she wakes up, "Chérie, I love you... For me, you have to open your beautiful eyes."

I don't know if it was because of my words or what, but she spoke, "A-Austin..." I looked towards her.

Surprise and happiness filled me and instantly I reply, "Chérie, I'm here."

For the first time I feel movement in her hand as she lightly squeezes my hand in return, Surprise evident in my face for a moment I lost my speech, then finding it I call for Scarlet, "Scarlet! Malie, responded! Look."

She was reading her reports and hurried to my side, and was equally surprised, looking at her I saw tears in her eyes, "It really is a miracle."

She wiped her tears, "If she keeps this up she'll open her eyes soon. I'm going to tell everyone of her improvement, thank you, Austin."

She hugged me, I returned it, "Scarlet, I'm only doing what anyone in my position would do, and I truly do mean what I said earlier."

She nodded and went outside. I sat in the chair beside Malie. Putting my hand softly on her cheek, "Malie, you really know how to make us all stand on our toes. I know you never wanted any of this. You just wanted to be normal. But you're special and that's why I fell in love with you."

Sometime later, David, Lilly Isabella, Jack and their children came in to check up on her. To say Lilly and Isabella were happy is an understatement. They are over the moon happy.

Melvin kissed the top of Malie's head, "Big sis, wake up soon, I have soo much to tell you. And besides Mabelle needs you a lot. I know I can be stubborn but you mean to me a lot."

They all stayed till the end of visiting hours in which they talked about their memories of Malie, which mostly consisted of laughs.

At night, Mabelle and Melvin fell asleep so David and Lilly took them back, with Jack and Isabella. While Daniel stayed, "I really owe you, Austin. I had my presumptions about you."

"No need, Daniel. I can understand. After all, I too have a sister. She's everything to me. I wouldn't hand her over just like that." I smile a little.

I think today is the first time in 2 weeks that I displayed emotions other than sadness, depression, and anger, Daniel continued, "It's just that even now my sis like a little girl, so I had a hard time accepting that there could someone important to her as in a man other than us."

"And she'll always be your little sister, to her, her family comes first. This might the only problem in her. She thinks of others before herself. I just wish she would be selfish sometimes." I sigh at the last sentence.

"I agree with on that. Dad and I have the hardest time with her. Believe me, it's our luckiest day when she requests something from us." Daniel says.

He comes closer to his sister, and holds her hand, "Amalie, wake up soon, okay? I still need to learn cooking from you. Otherwise how would I be able to treat my girlfriend to home cooked meals?" he joked.

To which I noticed she slightly grasped his hand and immediately he stopped laughing. He looked amazed at the fact that Malie responded. It means that she's trying her best. Which honestly is all I ask of.

Daniel leaves after a little while, saying he's gonna check up on his twin. I sit and observe the heart monitor, and sigh in relief that finally things are starting to look better, "Malie, how long do you plan on sleeping? I've been waiting for you to wake up for 2 weeks. And in these two weeks you've scared the shit out of me twice."

"I-I know..." She responds.

I nod, then realize that she responded to me, raising my head, I'm shell shocked, "Amalie!"

I am utterly shocked. She gives me a half smile or what it seems like it, "I'm gonna call them over. God! I can't believe you're awake! Please tell me I'm not hallucinating...!"

She shakes her head as to respond to me that I'm not hallucinating. I let go of her hand and quickly move to find Daniel and Scarlet, I spot Daniel first, "Daniel! Amalie has opened her eyes."

He looks in disbelief, then responds, "Please tell me you didn't hallucinate."

"I asked the same question to Malie, to which shook her head in negative." I smile.

"Oh Lord, I'm going. Can you tell Scarlet?"

I nod.

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