Chapter 64 Perfect Daughter

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To understand this chapter I would recommend that you all read the previous chapter first since it's the continuation of it. Also do remember to vote and comment. By commenting I will get to know what you all think about this book as well as the chapter. 

Song Name: This Feeling

Singer Name(s): The ChainSmokers Ft. Kelsea Ballerini

So without further ado here another chapter of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER! 


Chapter No. 64

Amalie's POV:

My smile falters, remembering the other not-so okay events happening a few days later. Lil's parents contacted her and told her that they need her to come back to Canada because they had chosen a husband for her. We all were shocked to the core. I knew they were inconsiderate of her feelings but to this extent, it literally blew me away. I wanted to give them a piece of my mind but Lil beat them to it. And on spot refused, and told her that she was already engaged and even if she wasn't she would absolutely not let them govern her life.

Her parents turned their rage to me, saying it's my fault for their daughter rebelling against them. It was better if that guardian of mine killed when they helped him escape prison. They even paid him for it.

We all were shocked to the core... On questioning, it turned out that before I showed up in her life she was always obedient but after that, she never remained their perfect daughter as those fools called it.

The most devastated out of them all was Lil. She did something that I never expected of her, and she slapped her mother since she was the one who confessed everything. The pent-up anger all took a toll on her.

Her father furious at her action tried to hurt her but keyword: Tried. Brian was in front of him and warned him he would never let anyone be it her own biological parents hurt her. Austin wanted to have them arrested but I let it go since all of it was finally over.

That day Lil disowned her parents. The moment her parents left she fainted and Scarlet checked on her, telling us that severe stress took a toll on her. She needed to rest. I knew it was partly my fault because I knew very well that Lil blamed herself for everything.

Brian and Austin made sure that I don't blame myself for anything that happened. If anything it was her parents' fault... I just couldn't understand how can anyone be so against what their child wants to do?

The next morning, unfortunately, I got a high fever and pretty much remained unconscious throughout the day. Since my body was and still suffers from side effects from the incident my body can't bear too much stress. I was glad that Austin wasn't angry with me. He said he understood where I stood after talking to Lil.

Lil told everyone about her and mine's history. Basically, when we finished elementary and started middle school in the summer vacation I and she made plans to visit her parents to convince them to let her live with me so that we could attend the same middle school. On arrival, with Mimi of course, otherwise, Mom and Dad would never have let me travel we found out that they already enrolled her in their choice of school.

Lil started crying then and said she didn't want to leave. That was the first I saw her mom lose her composure and it dreadfully reminded me of the woman who was then in jail... She was going to slap Lil, I pushed her away and I was on the receiving end.

Mimi was horrified... I would've cried but I did it for Lil. I warned them not to mess with James-Anderson's daughter otherwise the consequences would impossible for them to bear. They didn't believe me so using my sources I had their hospital closed a certain period of time.

At that, they were finally horrified recognizing me as the daughter of David James. A man feared and respected in all fields. They let Lil come without any more reluctance.

I had everyone keep it a secret because no matter what they were her parents... And I couldn't bear them being hurt. Because indirectly I would hurt Lil.

From then on our friendship strengthened even more than possible. Everyone was shocked to find out... The only reason Lil never told them was that she still hoped that her parents just might understand her. But I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Later that evening I got a scolding from all my moms and of course the girls, for taking unnecessary stress.


I heard a knock on the door, "Come in!"

"M, why aren't you asleep?" Lil asks coming in.

"Lil, who in their right mind would be able to sleep on their biggest day?" I ask.

She giggles, "And I thought you never get nervous. Now, look at you. So what are you doing?"

"Hmm... Just reminiscing the past few months especially you and Brian." I smile.

She comes and sits beside me on the bed, "I still can't believe I'm engaged... It still feels like a dream... But whenever I wake up the next day and find Brian tightly holding on to me and the ring on my finger washes the doubt away..." She smiles.

I smile back at her, "Brian really did turn out to be the one for you... He was and is the only man I didn't hesitate before letting him date you... He has this protective aura around him like Austin and Dan..." I side hug her and she reciprocates.

She nods, "Yeah... But he was soo perfect that I was broken due to many things so I was afraid the moment he finds out... He'd leave me... But he did the opposite. He made me feel emotions I have never felt ever! I never thought, M, that I could find love as beautiful as yours and Austin's. But I was wrong and I've never been happier to be wrong."

"You deserve it, and much more Lil... More than you know. And I know Brian will be the one to give to you."

In midst of talking, I fell asleep, I felt constant shaking, "Wake up, Mal dear... You have a long day ahead of you." Mommy said.

Instantly, I sat up. And looked around and saw all the ladies gathered around. These women were and are my reason for smiles.

"M, I've brought breakfast to hurry up! We're already behind schedule and if we're moment late Austin will send a rescue team." Lil said entering the room.

I nod since I know my dear husband is absolutely like that.

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