Chapter 20 Missing Family Reunion

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So before you jump into the new chapter of CHOICES & DECISIONS do listen to the song I put up. Nowadays we are so well in a better word "messed up" that we ignore the good things life. So if you like their song do check out their YouTube official.
  Song name: Better man
Artist name: WestLife

So without a further a do here is chapter 20 of Choices & Decisions.

Happy reading!


Chapter No. 20

Austin's POV:

"Alright, I've signed all the necessary documents, Austin. So when are we starting? I need a blue print of the entire structure." Daniel said.

"It's with Brian, he's the third partner in this joint venture."

"Hmm, okay, by the way any particular reason why he's in such bad mood?"

"Huh, even you noticed, he's been in a bad mood since we came. I wonder if something happened between him and Malie's friend, what's her name."

"You mean Lillian?" Daniel answered.

"Yeah, her. When I came here, Jason told me two days before they were supposed to come here, Lillian and Brian got into a fight and Lillian slapped him and hard and ran away from his house. At least that's what Jason told me."

"Huh, M, never mentioned anything to me. I wonder if she even knows." Daniel spoke after a moment.

"I doubt it. Considering she hasn't talked to me about it, neither with Serena and sure enough she hasn't directly talked with Brian on the matter, so I don't think she knows."

On the spot my phone started ringing, looking it up it was Serena, hmm I wonder, why'd she call? After all aren't the two of them at the lunch of that Malie's fan? Questions in mind I picked her call, "Austin, where's Daniel? Is he with you?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, why, is everything alright?"

"Put your phone on speaker." I did as she said, "Daniel, we are at the hospital, and doctors are asking for her previous medical reports. They're saying that the people we met have caused Amalie's nervous system to break down."

"What do you mean, Serena? Which hospital are you at?" Daniel shouted standing from his seat.

"Calm down Daniel, a lot has happened, and she's only unconscious and believe you two will be as shocked as I am. She'll wake up in a little while, but I'll send you the address of the hospital. The doctors are suspicious that she might've been under drugs when she was little, that's why if you have reports regarding it I think you should come here." Serena explained.

"What do you a lot has happened?" Now I asked.

"I can't exactly explain on the phone, so I think you two should come here to find out."

"Fine, send me the address of the hospital."

Surprisingly the hospital was close to the Empire. We reached there in 10 minutes max and reached for the doctor who was looking into Amalie's case, "Hello, I'm Amalie's brother, Daniel, what happened to her?"

"Mr. Anderson, your sister, has she faced some disturbing events in her past?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, she has and she been treated for those, but why did she faint, I thought, if nothing of her past comes back her headaches would stop."

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