Chapter 7 Friends & Dinner

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I know there are many mistakes in the book but still please do give this book a shot, there would be some cliche moments but there is also character development so I hope you all give it a try.

Song Name: Story Of My Life

Singer Name: One Direction

Chapter No. 7 Friends & Dinner

Amalie's POV:

We were driving back when Austin received a call, I didn't peek, and was busy texting the person who ditched me today and letting him have it big time after all he deserved it, "What do you mean your friend ditched you?"

At that I looked up from my phone to Austin in question, he looked at me, mouthing 'Serena' I just shook my head and took the phone from Austin and put it on speaker before he could say anything, "Hey Serena!"

"H-Hey is that Amalie?"

"Yup that's me! So what happened?"

"Nothing... Just the fact that my said to be friends ditched me because I refused to go clubbing with them. Ugh!"

I sighed, "Look Serena, I'm not being harsh or anything, but if they leave you for such petty things they're not friends pretty much the reason I only have a few friends."

"I know I was being an idiot but anyways what are you doing with my brother?"

"Long story short, an idiot friend of mine was supposed to pick me but something came and he didn't come so I went to café which happened to be a regular for Austin as well hence me being with him."

"Okay, so please ask Austin can he pick me up?"

"Like I have much of a choice, next time don't go depending on worthless people." Austin said sternly.

He then face my momentarily, "I'll drop you off than pick her up."

"Not needed, pick her up with me besides I'm a free loader." I smiled.

"Alright, if it's fine with you." With that he made a U-turn and headed for the college at which Serena was studying at.

The moment we entered the premises the people inside the college to gawk openly at us, I was used to the attention but Austin was really in a bad mood, I looked around for Serena but couldn't find her, Austin called her, in the mean while I was surrounded by many students, asking me questions as to why I am here. Surprisingly I had a lot of male fans, which kind of surprised me. In the middle of trying to answer all the questions someone grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the crowd, I lost my balance and full on tripped but the person holding my hand balanced me with ease. We made it out of the crowd with his arm around my shoulder, I finally breathed in relief. I looked up to thank my savior only to see it was Austin and for some reason he had a really scary aura around him. I wonder what happened.

"Thank you, for getting me out of there." I smiled up to him, but he only nodded and holding my hand led me to their car where Serena was already standing waiting for our return.

"Thanks a bunch for picking me up, Amalie, it means a lot to me."

"My pleasure, though I kind of delayed you guys, sorry about that." I awkwardly smiled.

She in turn hugged me, "No probs, besides being a renowned actress has its downsides, hehe."

I just shook my head smiling, we were about to sit in the car while Austin was already seated in the driver's seat when a group of 4-5 girls around my and Serena's age approached us.

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