Chapter 16 We're Not Taking This Deal

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Hello lovelies so guess what?

Though, right now literally readers are adding my story to their LIBRARIES to which I am wholeheartedly thankful 😘.

But today when I opened Wattpad to update A Love Like No Other  I got to know my story's ranking for the category 'millionaire' has put to #36.

This is my 1st Wattpad story so it means dearly to me.... So ahem, before I start pouring my heart out.... The singer and song are as follows;

Song name: Girl Like You!

Singer name: Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B

So without further a do here you guys go another chapter for A Love Like No Other!

Chapter 16

Amalie's POV:

"Since you're up for it sure why not." Serena smiled.

Saying goodbye and putting my shoes on and after putting flats in Austin's car at the back seat. Today his driver is driving and he is sitting in the back seat with me, "So how many times have been to your Empire in Australia?" He asked me.

"Well this would be the first time, because always Daniel and Dad took over and they wanted me to focus on my studies. So it would be the first time."

"I see. A little warning, Stevens Co. are one of the most cunning businesses out there, they'll use any and every way to get their way. So be on your highest alert." Austin warned me.

"Hmm, from previous reports it seems that you were also in deal with them but almost lost everything to them?" I pointed out.

I was holding my IPad in hand checking all the documents Daniel and my assistant sent. He has been with us when my father was suddenly out of the picture. He resigned from the company when my fake guardians took over but when the case was filed against them he provided us with most of the evidence. So he has the most trust from us. And of course he was reinstated. Though, we offered him a higher place but he declined saying he was content with his post. Of course, we raised his pay after all I may not have been able to recover everything if not for him.

"How do you know?" Austin asked.

"I may not take any interest in the business, but I know everything that is going on. Of course my assistant takes the liberty to let me be notified."

"Alright, then. And we have arrived." Austin pointed out.

We both got out and headed inside accompanied by Daniel and Brian. Immediately I was the centre of attention. Not paying them any heed we headed for Dan's office where we were greeted by Syon, "It's good to see you again Ms. James."

"The pleasure is all mine, so were these all the documents?" I asked getting to the point. Taking a seat.

Everyone took their respective seats as well with Daniel sitting at the CEO's seat, "I believe they are, ma'am."

"You have missed out all the financial reports of the companies. I want to be updated on the current fiscal policy, monetary policy of the running year. Alongside I want to know the current progress and everything related with our investors."

"Of course ma'am." With that Syon took his leave.

I looked at everyone around me and saw they're all jaws dropped, I raised my eyebrow in question, "What?"

"M, are you sure you don't have anything to do with the Empire?" Dan asked, more like shocked.

"Well, since I am still the 45% holder of the Empire I have to know everything that goes in and out. Syon keeps me notified on the latest things, since you keep me out of the loop, Dan, I gave this job to Syon. Though, of course I mostly keep track of American main branch. So I am a bit behind on the Australian branch."

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