Chapter 42 Hopeless Man

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So the Song and Singer for this Chapter are as follows:

Song Name: Don't Start Now

Singer Name: Dua Lipa

Chapter No. 42

Amalie's POV:

1 word, that's all I can say, dumbfounded... I stand at the entrance to be shocked as Luis's the world's boring jokes are making Daph laugh. And it's kind of hard to make Daph laugh, either he's a genius or it's just dumb luck... Yeah I'll go with my second theory.

I walk towards them, "Am I disturbing you guys?"

They look at me, "Nope, I was telling Daphne, about my thrilling adventures in the recent months."

"Luis is really awesome! If I knew there are people like him here, I would've joined long ago." Daph exclaimed, like a kid that has too much chocolate.

I raise an eyebrow at her, "Yeah, and we have a lot to talk about, Daph."

She chuckles nervously at my voice, "Looks like you're in trouble, what did you do to her?" Luis said in a low voice attempting to let it be a whisper but there's one thing he always forgets is that he's anything but being able to talk in a low tone.\

"Luis, you do know that I can hear you, right?"

"Damn it!"

I just shake my head at his childishness. We walk outside sitting in the car, I straightforwardly ask, "Daph, when were you going to tell me that the guys had bigger hands in the Mafia than they were letting me in on?"

"Just about the same the time when you would explain me the situation, with those people. Amalie they are anything but safe." Daph says warning me.

"Daph, there's a lot you don't know about me but if you want to know than I want you to promise me that you won't be telling anyone and that includes especially Austin, Brian and Jason about this."

"MalMal, you know that I can't do that, I work for Brian and Jason but the one to ask for my services is Austin. I've signed a contract and I don't break my deals... Fine let me just ask this..." She looks at me from the rear view mirror to ask permission.

I nod and she sighs than asks, "You're not involved with them are you?"

"Not really, I'm not a part of them but still am recognized as one of them. Only the core of the group knows about me. But they were honestly surprised by my skills that they offered to teach me additional skills for future security purposes, since I was always a fast learner. But since I didn't want to partake in their world they didn't force me." I explained in a roundabout manner.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it. And you already know that there are people trying to hurt you that's why Austin went there to ask for help and assistance from them once you return. I and Carlos alone are longer enough to protect you guys."

The moment she said guys, my eyes widened and she cursed under her breath, "What do you mean? Who else is being targeted? Daph I need to know!"

"MalMal, don't worry. We have everything under control... You don't need to worry..." But I cut her off, "Daphne, what are you keeping from me... That day Austin suddenly showing up at the studio to pick me up, there was something wrong with my car wasn't it?"

Now adding up everything, it starting to make sense, but why would someone go to such lengths to harm me...? Wait a second it isn't just about me is it?

"Daph... I want you to change around, right this moment. I think I made a huge mistake." I say realizing my mistake.

"What?" Daph says confused.

"Daph... The person I went to meet there captured someone who could be of some use to us all. I need to go back there and interrogate him before it's too late."

"Alright, I understand. Buckle up because this I'm about to speed up."

"Go for it." I encourage her.

And boy when she said she was gonna speed up she meant it. We reached the base in less than 7 minutes, considering where we were at the distance should've taken us about 15 minutes.

"Sorry, Daph, you'll have to wait here."

"No problem, but you can't hide anything you find out, okay?" Daphne says sternly holding my hand.

I nod and enter, this time the guard knowing not to mess with me, I head straight to Tommy, "Are they still here?"

"Tigre, what are you doing here back?" He asks confused.

"I don't have the time to answer you, tell are they still here?" I say in a no nonsense mood.

"Uh... No they left a couple of minutes after you... So you won't be needing the disguise."

"Good, I'm going to see Rose and can you find where is the prisoner kept?"

He nods and heads to the main room whereas I head for Rose's office, entering I see her stressed, she looks up from checking files and is pleasantly surprised, "Amalie? What are you doing here? Didn't you leave some while ago?"

"I did. But I need to talk to you about something very important, so I had to come back. Do you have a moment?"

"Of course, I do. Amalie you're my sister from another mother. I always have time for you. What is it? That you had to come back her to talk to me personally."

"Rose, that person... Or rather Dustin... you had your men take away, you said that you have a mole in your group, right? What if he/she is where you have him arrested? I need him to answer a few questions of mine. And it's an emergency."

On this Rose was completely on alert, "Alright... But who else knows that you're here?"

"None. Except the guard you have placed at the entrance, my bodyguard and friend Daphne and Tommy." I reply.

"Hmm... You have complete faith in this bodyguard of yours?"

"Yeah and besides she works for Brian and was hired by Austin." I clarify.

"Okay then have her follow us. I'm going for the base. That's where I had taken for interrogation."

I nod and we head out only she takes a different route since she's heading for the underground parking lot

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I nod and we head out only she takes a different route since she's heading for the underground parking lot. Getting out I ask Daphne to follow her Chevrolet Corvette. And I glad that Daph is the one following her because both of them are crazy drivers. So they kind of think alike.We reach the base in 20 minutes thanks to their maniac driving skills,though I do a bit sick but I guess I'll have to use to their crazy ways. Upon entering everyone bows before Rose, as she walks in front and we follow in toe.

Man I am glad that didn't ever agree to join with them because this place gives me the creeps, upon entering the dark pathway I finally see light only to see that the man is tied up in a room.

One of the people approach us, "Boss, Tigre. Greetings. What brings you both here?"

"You know it well Simon. Don't beat around the bush wake him up we have some questions to ask him and make sure no one comes in." Rose says coldly.

He nods and splashes water on him which jolts him awake and with that he leaves, and we both look at him, he's no longer the fearsome man that once tried to make my life a living hell is now completely hopeless.

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