Chapter 13 Please Stay Safe

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I like this version of the song more, it shows creativity which I am huge fan of!

Song: Beauty and A Beat.
Singer: Justin Beiber.
Cover by:

So without a further a do, here is Chapter 13. Do remember to VOTE & COMMENT!

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Chapter No. 13

Amalie's POV:

Right now I am in a really foul mood and whose fault do you think it is? It may seem stupid but I blame it on Austin. As said he came to pick me up of course he has to wait so right now he's sitting with the director and the females are looking at him as though he is a fresh piece of meat. Like what the hell get a life you idiots. But thank goodness he's paying absolutely no attention to them. His entire attention is reserved for me. It made me mess up lines 3 times and that's saying something.

Right now we're taking a break cause frankly I can't act right now, "So looks like you're nervous." Ryan said as he casually put a hand on my shoulder and I jumped a little because of all the nervousness.

"Yeah, I am. Damn why is staring at me like that?" I whisper to Ryan.

"Maybe because he wants to make sure no one has the guts to look at you like that."

"Like what?" I ask incredulously.

"Like they can ask you out. He's making sure each and every male here knows that you belong to him and trust me no one wants to mess with the Theodore's."

"Please tell me you're kidding, right?"

"Absolutely not, besides he's headed here because you're talking to me than him. See for yourself if you don't believe me."

On cue Austin came to my left side and put his hand on my waist and if possible made come closer to him, "So what are you two talking about?"

"Nothing, just asking Amalie why is she messing up her lines? After all you came especially for her and she is just increasing your time."

"I don't mind it at all." Austin answered curtly, then asked, "Your name is Ryan Peterson, right?"

"Yeah it is." Ryan answered.

"Your father's a leading business man in the architecture, right?"


"Why didn't you pursue you're father's business?"
"I will but right now I'm doing what I want to do, of course I have my father's support."

"Well, nice meeting you, Ryan, can I talk to Amalie for a moment?"

"Of course, besides I wanted to ask my secretary for my schedule." That idiot! He left me on purpose.

"So may I know why you were sending glares at all the females who even glanced my way?" he asked smirking.

"I-I did no s-such thing." I tried to cover up.

"Oh really, alright if you say so, from now onwards whenever you have late night recordings I will be picking you up." He said with an absolute tone of no discussion.

"What? Why?!" I whined.

"I don't like their eyes set on you. I hate the way they note each and every movement of yours." Austin said with a hint of possessiveness, oh who am I kidding a lot of possessiveness.

"Austin, I don't belong to anyone. Also you're really busy. You don't have to."

"I will and you belong to me, and I'll make it clear to the world as well."

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