Chapter One

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Chapter One: Seeing Each Other After Two Years

Luke POV
I just woke up, I went on my laptop and decided to check my emails, I had a message, from a random email so I opened it Seeing that it's from our old friend Nirvana-Rose Novak, I called for Beau, Jai, James and Skip come over

"what is it?" Jai asked yawning, he obviously got out of bed just now

"remember our friend Nirvana?" I asked them

"yeh" they all replied

"Well look" I said pointing to the computer screen

"Wait she's in LA now" Jai said shocked the last we saw was she was in New Zealand she left Australia with her sister Winter-May and they lived with there aunty

"she wants to met up" Beau said smiling

"say yes we haven't seen her in a long time" Daniel said also smiling

They walked out of the room and I decided to answer her straight away

Hey it's Nirvana I'm back from New Zealand I just wanted to know if you guy wanted to met up and hang out coz I haven't seen you guys in a long time

Hey Nirvana it's the guys here sure we'd like to met up we're able to met up tomorrow if you'd like just name a time and place and we'll get there.

*Thirty Minutes Later*

Hey I'm cool with Wednesday can we meet up at the school of arts that my dad ownes in LA around 2pm ish xx

Jai's POV
"Hey look she replied!" I shouted, the boys rushed in the room the read the email from Nirvana-Rose

"Nirvana said we can met and her dad's school of arts at 2pm ish!"

They all replied "yup" "ok" "yes" "cool."

*Next Day*

Nirvana's POV
I woke up to an annoying sound and I remember I forgot to turn my alarm off

"fucking hell" I groaned, slamming my hand on the clock to turn it off, as you can tell I'm not a morning person, I tried for ten minutes to go back asleep but I couldn't

"Fuck it I'm just gunna get up" I said to myself, I rubbed my eyes sitting, throwing the blankets off me and headed downstairs and had cornflakes for breakfast once I was finished I ran upstairs hoped in the shower and done my normal things when I got out i brushed my teeth dried my hair and left it naturally curly before I done my make-up I put on some black skinny jeans a green long sleeve crop top and some matching green vans when I was finally dressed I went to my mirror and put on my light pink lipstick and I was ready.

I watched TV till twelve o'clock thought I better head out there now I grabbed my handbag with all my essentials in it and got to my car and headed to the school of arts I'm meeting the boys at.

*At The School Of Arts*

I went through reception and said hello to Mrs.Hemings as I was walking away I remembered I had I tell her the boys were coming

"Agh Mrs.Hemming I have five boys coming to visit I haven't seen them in about two years"

"So if they come where do I send them" she asked

"Room six please... I want to do some dancing before they come they will be hear around 2pm" I told her

"Sure honey it's fine I'll send them through" she answered

"Thank-you" I yelled as I walked away

Once I got to the room I went in the bathroom to change into black sports tights and plain black sports bra once I was ready I just put some music on and danced which made me feel happy like always.

*One O'clock*

Jai's POV
"Guys hurry up in told you to get up early so this wouldn't happen!" I yelled through the house

"Stut up where nearly ready!" Beau shouted from upstairs, Finally! all the boys came down the stairs into the kitchen I had put cereal out for them in a bowl because I know they will take ages to get it

"I put cereal in a bowl for use so all you have to do is put milk, now hurry up we have half an hour"

"Alright alright calm down" Skip said Rolls Ng his eyes at me,

"No Jai's right hurry up" Luke said frantically

Once they finally finished Beau was driving James was in the passenger seat and me, Luke and Skip where in the back

"Wonder what she'll look like now" James said

"I don't know" Skip said

"She might look the same just older" Beau said

"So Luke do you still have that crush on her" I said looking right at him

Luke's POV
When Jai said that I wanted to not go to that subject of course I had a crush on her she's so beautiful but she would never like me in that way I think I've been what called 'friend zoned'

"WHAT!? I never had a crush on her" I said getting all defensive

"Oh my god you still have the hots for her, don't you!" Beau yelled

"Ok fine may still have the crush but she would never like me that way anyway" I said disappointed

"God your so thick aren't you" James said like something was so obvious

"What" I said sounding so confused

"You were never 'friend zoned' like us she liked you a lot but you never had the balls to ask her out so she just gave up waiting for you to ask her" Jai said


"Dude it was so obvious" Skip said

"Look we are here" James said stopping our conversation from getting further

We got out of the car and all I could think about was how I didn't notice I was thinking when ever we were together GOD IM SO DUMB! I yelling at myself in my mind we were always flirting touching out hands together hugging and she always gave me a kiss on the cheek no on else man I'm stupid

The lady at the office brought us to the hallway to find room six as we were coming close we here loud music we all look in the room and there she was more beautiful than two years ago if that's even possible

"WOW!?!" was all everybody said.

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