Chapter 65

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The next morning, Nash and I almost woke up at the same time. I smiled: "Good morning sleepy head." He stretched himself and laughed weakly. I stood up and got dressed. After I put my hair up in a messy bun, I checked my text messages. Taylor: 'Party at my house tonight - 9pm' No, not another party! "Did you get Taylor's text?", Nash asked. I turned around and saw Nash, shirtless. "Yup", I looked him in the eyes. "Are you coming with me", he frowned. "No thank you", I shook my head, "at Matt's party, Dylan punched Cam and at the other party, you cheated on me. I'm never going to a party again. They only cause trouble." He nodded: "Are you sure, Kylie?" "Yes, I'm sorry", I said. "No, it's okay. Instead, we can spend some time together", he flashed a smile and turned around, to put a shirt on.

"Where are Cam and Carter?", I asked Nash. "Oh, they went to the gym", he answered. "I'll go home and get changed into some fresh clothes", I kissed Nash's cheek and walked down the stairs. "Don't you need a ride?", Nash laughed. "Haha, funny", I said sarcastically. He smiled and kissed my forehead. Slowly he moved towards my lips.

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