Sick (Damian x reader) Part 1

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Damian's pov

I woke up and felt awful. I groaned. Moving slowly I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.

I tried to make myself look better than I felt. I didn't do a good job and so I just prayed (Y/L/N) wasn't at the manor and was out on patrol. The reason is that that girl can read your facial expression and your emotions like it's written in big letters on your face.

I didn't like attention and I didn't want anyone to know I was sick.

I trudged downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and it was silent. There was no one there. I sighed in relief. But of course someone was there and they jumped out of the shadows, scaring the crap out of me.

(Y/L/N) jumped out of the shadows. "Ahhgg!" I cried out surprised. She chuckled "Sorry 'bout that Damian." I rolled my eyes at her. "Likely story." I responded. She cocked her head to the side her (H/C) hair falling in that direction.

"You okay Damian? You look sick" oh great I thought. "No I'm fine (Y/L/N)" I answered walking into the kitchen. She shrugged and followed. I sat on a bar stool at the counter and she pulled out a smoothie and poured it into a cup. I observed her as she did so. She was wearing a loose black T-shirt and loose grey shorts. She had two bandages wrapped around her arm, and thigh from gun shots she has taken.

Then I wondered why the hell she was wearing a choker at 9am while the rest of her was dressed in pyjamas . She took a sip and swallowed. "Want some?" She asked I shook my head "I'm not hungry" I said. She put the smoothie back in the fridge.

"How come your not out on patrol?" I asked "How come your not?" She said. "Your doing it again (Y/L/N). The thing where you don't answer the q-" i was cut off. I know what I'm doing Damian." She said "And for once I'll tell you." I huffed.

"Everyone else went out because there was this huge issue and everyone possible needed to go but since Alfred isn't here, Bruce wanted someone to stay while you were asleep." She paused sipping her smoothie. "Why didn't you just wake me?" I asked, secretly grateful they hadn't. "You and me were up late on a hard patrol last night so he wanted you to get some rest." She took a breath. "Seems he didn't let you sleep." I commented. She chuckled "Nope but I'm fine I didn't go to sleep at all anyway." I raised an eyebrow at her "What? I wanted to perfect the triple  push off one foot flip thing." I rolled my eyes. "Anyhow, I was the logical choice since Bruce knew I had no sleep and i had two gun shots that are still healing." "Still?" I asked. "(Y/L/N) you just got those yesterday. There not going to heal right away." I sighed. "Whatever I don't care." She said. "So he forced me to stay."

We we're silent for a bit. I felt hot. "Can I have some of that smoothie?" I asked. I new it was cold so I thought it might help. (Y/L/N) nodded and pulled it out of the fridge and poured some into a glass for me. She slid it across the table towards me. I took a sip and once I swallowed it I immediately regretted it.

"Hang on a second." I jumped from my seat and ran to the bathroom. My vision went fuzzy and I smacked into a table on the way, knocking a picture off. Because of the impact, I stumbled backwards and tripped. I heard (Y/L/N) come behind me as I fell.

I quickly got up and made it to the toilet unable to shut the door. (Y/L/N) would have knocked it down anyway.

I thought. I lost my lunch. (L/N) came and sat down beside me. She rubbed my back soothingly and kept my hair out of my face. Once I finished I leaned back onto her. I gasped for air.

"Damian! You should've told me you weren't feeling well! She said quietly. "You would've and you already have found o-" I threw up again. "Dami..." She said, continuing to rub my back. Once I finished for good, I tried to stand up but I fell back down. (L/N) caught me.

Holding onto me still, she reached under the sink and grabbed the thermometer. She picked me up, bridle style. I tried to fight her grip but she's a lot stronger than she looks. And I was tired. I eventually gave up and let her carry me.

(Y/N) pov

Damian stopped fighting and I carried him into the living room and laid him on the couch.

"Damian, open up I need to take your temperature." I said to him quietly. "Do not get that thing anywhere near me!" he answered. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine." He said. I put the thermometer under his tongue and waited. **beep beep beep** I took it out. 102.3. I read in my head. "Oh Dami!" I exclaimed.

His face was pale. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go get some stuff. Stay here!" I said standing "I'm not sick that thing is broken!" Damian said. He tried to get up but I put a firm hand in his chest pushing him down carefully. "Stay here." I repeated. I left the room.

I grabbed some water, medicine, a bucket, a blanket and a wet washcloth. I heard Damian having a coughing fit in the living room.

I hurried in to see him by the fireplace sweating like crazy, bent over coughing. I put the stuff down and went over to him, I guided him back to the couch. He laid down and groaned. "(L/N)..." he started. "What's wrong Dami?" I Asked. I placed the washcloth on his forehead head. He tensed at the coolness. "Uhhhgg my head hurts it looks like everything is spinning and my chest aches." He moaned.

"It's ok Batboy." I said. "I wish you wouldn't call me that." He said. "I smirked. "Ok would you rather me call you little baby Robin?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "Stick to Batboy." He answered. I picked up some medicine and the cup of water.

"Here Dami. Can you sit up?" I asked. He nodded. He sat up. I passed him the medicine and the water. He took the pills and used water to swallow them. Then he laid back down. I stood to leave.

I took a step forward but I felt a little hand graze my arm. I turned and Damian had his hand outstretched. "What's wrong Dami?" I asked. "Can you stay? Please?" He looked down not making eye contact. I smiled "Sure Batboy" I sat down on the couch by his head. He shifted his position so that his head rested in my lap.

I rubbed his back soothingly. His eyelids started to drop. He fought to keep them open. "Damian just go to sleep it's fine." I said to him. He continued to fight it until he gave up and fell asleep. 

He looked so cute. If you looked at him you would have never guessed he was the bold Robin who patrolled the streets at night. Who new combat and how to kill. Who was trained by the League Of Assassins. No you would have never guessed by looking at him now. He didn't look peaceful though, which worried me.

Thank you for reading!! I know this is horrible but enjoy! Comment if you would want more! You can request the character and the story and I'll do my best!

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