It's Alright, It's Okay Dick x Male!reader

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(Wow Author~chan, you sure love to make triggering oneshots. I apologize! Seek help if this happens to you! My messages are open to talk!) 

Note: Dick is Robin in this  

(Y/n)'s pov

"Bye Dick!" I called over my shoulder. Dick smiled and waved as we went our separate ways from the movie theater. He had offered me a ride home but I declined, seeing as though I only live a block or two away. 

I'm really quite happy with my life right now. Since I met Dick, my life has lifted. My dad got a new job and Dick's helped me to cope with my mother's recent death. One thing that makes me super happy is that I finally had the courage to ask Bruce Wayne's ward on a date a few weeks back. Dick agreed and we've now been dating for almost a month. 

I smiled lightly as I thought about the young acrobat. His raven hair is so soft and his face lights up when he smiles. His baby blue eyes are so beautiful, I could get lost in them forever. We're both relatively short (sorry if you'r not, welcome to my world), with Dick being only a little taller. 

I came back into reality as I turned the corner. Gotham is one of the most crime ridden cities on the planet and I live close to the slums. Dick was very hesitant to let me walk home alone. I cautiously continued walking, eyeing dark alleys. 


Someone suddenly seized me by the arm. I released a strangled scream before my mouth was covered. Strong arms pulled me into an alley and held me against a wall. Something heavy hit the side of my head. I gasped in pain. 

What seemed to be a metal bar didn't knock me out, it just fazed me. My vision was blurry and all sound was going in and out of my hearing. I did though hear the few words a taller man was saying to me. Words that would haunt me past my grave. 

No one came to my aid as I screamed and cried, trying to hit the man and get him away form me. 

~Time skip because Author~chan can't write anymore of this~ 

Dick's pov

I continued staring at the clock in the classroom, waiting for (Y/n) to show up. He and I always meet up twenty minutes before school but he hadn't met me by the flag pole this morning. The bell rang and students filtered into the classroom chatting. 

I tapped (Y/b/f/n) on the shoulder. He jumped and whirled around. 

"Oh! Hi Dick." He said quietly. I frowned. 

"Hi (Y/b/f/n), do you know if (Y/n)'s coming to school today?" (Y/b/f/n)'s face fell. "I haven't hear from him since last night." (Y/b/f/n) was silent. 

"You haven't heard?" He whispered. That set off panic in my mind. 

"Haven't heard what? (Y/b/f/n), what happened to him?" I inquired, rising form my seat. 

"Dude, you gotta tell me!" I exclaimed. 

"Mister. Grayson, please sit class is starting." The teacher said. I sat down worry flooding over me. 

"Class, today we will be having an assembly about r*pe." The teacher said. Kids started chatting but the teacher silenced everyone. "Last night, an incident took place with one of our students and so we're having an awareness assembly. Please everyone make your way to the auditorium. 

"Sir! Who was it?" One kid yelled. The teacher ignored him. Gears were turning in my head and I glanced at (Y/b/f/n). He nodded. My eyes widened. No. F*ck no, no!  I shot out of my seat  running past the teacher. He called out after me but I just ignored him. 

I ran out of the building and down the street. I kept running the way to where (Y/n) lived. My lungs were burning but I pushed past that even as tears gathered in my eyes. How could something so horrible happen to such a sweet boy? 

After another five minutes of running, I came to stop in front of the apartment building that (Y/n) lived in. I hurried through the old hallways that were falling apart. I went up to the fourth floor to the apartment 1900'. i knocked on the door and wiped my teary eyes. 

After a minute (Y/n)'s dad answered the door. 

"Hello Mr. (Y/l/n), is (Y/n) home? I'm his boyfriend Dick Gr-" 

"I know who your are. (Y/n) has mentioned you multiple times before. Unfortunately (Y/n) doesn't want to see anyone right now..." The man trailed off growing sad. 

"Look, I know what happened and as his boyfriend, I just wanna comfort him." I defended. (Y/n)'s dad pursed his lips. He sighed and muttered something under his breath. He moved so I could enter the apartment. I smiled lightly. 

"I'll check with him, follow me." Mr. (Y/l/n) said. I nodded and followed him through a short hallway to the door on the end. Mr. (Y/l/n) knocked on the door to (Y/n)'s room. 

"I don't need anything dad..." (Y/n)'s voice sounded hollow and I felt my heart crumble. 

"Son, your boyfriend is here." The man answered. (Y/n) was silent on the other end. 

"Tell him I don't want to see anyone right now." (Y/n) answered.
(Y/d/n) motioned to the door and walked away. I hesitantly knocked softly on the door.

"I said go away." (Y/n) snapped. I flinched at the tone.

"(Y/n), it's me. It's Dick." I said softly. " can I talk to you? " I asked. (Y/n) was silent.

"Okay." He responded after a few agonizing seconds. I slid down the door, landing on my knees with my side leaning against the door.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" I asked softly. (Y/n) snorted.

"You're the detective, you connect the dots." He said bitterly. I clenched my fist, feeling stupid.

"Right, right..." We were both silent again. "(Y/n) I'm sorry I wasn't more stubborn and had-"

"Don't apologise. It makes it worse." He cut me off. I nodded, though he couldn't see.

"(Y/n), can I please come in? I wanna see your handsome face and hug you tight." I begged.

"I'm not handsome. I'm dirty and I just-" (Y/n) choked back tears. "I lost something precious to me... And I didn't want to..." Tears fell down my cheeks.

I'm tracking that man down and when I find him, I'll kill him. I thought.

"(Y/n), you're not dirty. I still love you. Please let me in." I said softly.

"F-fine." (Y/n) sniffed. I stood up and opened the door slowly. (Y/n) say on the bed, his hair set from a shower and he was wearing seats with multiple layered blankets around him. He looked adorable.

I closed the door behind me.

"Baby..." I trailed off. I slowly walked towards the slightly shorter male. He stared at me, watching my movements. I reached the bed.

"C-can I touch you?" (No not like that you pervs) I asked. (Y/n) nodded. I slowly sat on the bed beside him and began running my fingers through his hair.

The (y/h/c) slowly sunk into my touch and soon his head was in my lap. He was shaking and letting out quiet sobs. All I could do was whisper soothing words to him and stroke his hair.

After a good fifteen minutes. He say up. The blankets fell from his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around my middle. My face heated up as he burrowed his face in my chest.

"I love you." I whispered. He tilted his head up. I could show chin and looked into his eyes for approval. He slightly nodded and I closed the gap between us.

I made sure to be soft and not to trial my hands anywhere than where they were currently. We broke and I smiled at him.

"I love you too..."


I'm sorry to the people I triggered. I'm all honesty, this was extremely painful to write. Forced sexual violence is never okay. I'm here to support all victims of this horrible happening. You are valid and remember no means no. Love you all! 😘😘😘


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