Bath Time (Batboys x reader)

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So I'm working on people's requests and I haven't been updating because I'm falling in and out of DC fandom, but for now, here's a cute oneshot.

**THIS IS NOT SMUT** I just thought it was a cute idea. If it's dirty to you, keep it to yourself. I'm not comfortable with writing smut. Maybe one day but for now, no. I

I'm also writing a Harley Quinn fanfic! so please check that out and give me ideas for my Batboys Oneshots book. I finished the last one so I need ideas. Thanks!

Anyway, enjoy!

(Y/n)'s pov through the oneshot.

Dick 💙 (You = 23 Dick = 25)

"Hey sweetheart..." Dick cooed, wrapping his ar! a around my waist. I sighed and leaned back into him.

"Hiya baby..." I responded. Dick frowned.

"What's wrong princess?" he asked, playing with a strand of my
(Y/H/C) hair.

"I'm just so stressed. The office has been keeping me on my toes with new cases and so many kids are going missing." I say miserably.

I work for a private agency as a detective. I'm known as one of the best in Gotham. Some say better than Batman himself. Step up your game Bruce. Anyway, lately kids have been going missing and the case has been overwhelming.

Dick was quiet while I massaged my temples.

"I'll be right back baby." He sped off into our apartment. I shook my head and read over the file of a ten year old. About five minutes later, my name was called.

"(Y/n)!" Dick sang.


"C'mere!" He called. I closed the file and obligated.

I walked to our bathroom to see Dick sitting in the tub. The water was just below the brim with bubbles covering the surface. The room smelt of (your favourite soap).

There were some candles that lit up the dark room. I covered my mouth and smiled at my handsome husband in the tub.

"Aww Dick, this is so sweet!" I whispered. Dick shook his head. 

"Just get in here!" I peeled off my sweats and undergarments before sliding into the tub with him. Dick kissed me sweetly on the lips.

"I love you baby."

Jason ❤ (You = 20 Jason = 23)

"(Y/n)! C'mon!" Jason whined.

"Fine fine!" I peeled off my clothes slowly and lazily. Jason watched the whole time. I scowled at him.

"Really?" I yelled. "You pervert." Jason shrugged.

"It's not my fault I can't help but stare at your beauty." He said softly.

"Shut up!" I mumbled, blushing deeply and slid into the tub on top of him. Jason wrapped his strong arms around me, kissing the nape of my neck.

"Just relax..." He cooed. I released a sigh and closed my eyes, sinking into my husband's touch.

"I love you..." I murmured.

"I love you too..." Jason mumbled into my neck, kissing the nape again.

Tim 💛 ( You = 20 Tim = 22)

"This was really sweet of you Timmy." I whispered as I gazed up at my husband. Tim smiled as me and kissed my forehead.

"You deserve it. You work so hard." He responded. His hands glided up and down my back under the water he massaged my shoulders as well.

I lifted my head to kiss him on the lips. He closed his eyes and kissed back. I lifted some bubbles from the water surface and placed them on his head, running them onto his raven coloured hair.

I massaged his scalp, cleaning the roots and tips of his silky hair.

He snickered and did the same to my (Y/H/C) hair. We continued washing each other's hair for another five minutes before I brought my hands down into his chest.

"I love you." I said and kissed the base of Tim's neck.

"I love you too."

Damian 💚 (You = 20 Damian 21)

"Turn around beloved." Damian muttered into my ear. I obligated and shifted so my back was against Damian's toned chest. I heard a cap open and close and soon felt the sensation of Damian massaging my scalp.

I sighed in content and closed my eyes. Damian worked his fingers through my hair, get to g it nice and clean.

"Tilt your head back." He said. I titled my head back, keeping my eyes closed.  Damian poured water over my hair, working out the shampoo with his hands.

Then another bottle was opened and Damian began conditioning my hair. After he washed it, he combed his fingers through my
(Y/H/L), (Y/H/C) hair.

"All done." Damian's whispered softly. I sighed in content. And turned around to kiss his lips. He closed his eyes, kissing back. We parted, our faces inches apart.

"Love you." I whispered.

"Love you too beloved."

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