Don't Cry Dick x Reader

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(Y/N)/ your pov

"Any sign of him Wally?" Kalder asked him. Wally shook his head.

"No it's like he disappeared into thin air." He scratched the back of his neck.

"He's the son of Batman, what to do you expect?" Artemis sassed him. Wally glared but planted a kiss on her cheek. She blushed. I smirked from my seat on the couch. I freaking ship it SOOO hard!!! Kalder let out a sigh.

"Where could he have gone?" Conner asked. M'gann shook her head.

"(Y/N), would you help us look?" She pleaded. I snorted.

"I have no interest of helping the baby bird brat." I responded. M'gann sighed.

"Look I know you two don't get along," she's completely right, we don't get along. "-but could you please at least help us look for him? Please?!" She begged. I let out a breath.

"Fine, fine, but only for you M'gann." I got up off the couch and started looking around the mountain.

Now if I were the baby bird brat, were would I hide? Come to think of it, why is he hiding? I pondered my thoughts as I looked in the garage. I checked all over, even in the bio-ship. I was about to leave but I saw the pipe room. Might as well take a peek, just in case.

As I got closer I could make out an odd noise. I quietly opened the door and saw Robin sitting in the back, his knees pulled up to his chest, sobbing into them. I opened it wider.

"Rob?" I asked. His head shot up and I jumped a bit in surprise that he wasn't wearing his sunglasses. My eyes met two beautiful baby blue orbs. Hang on a second, is that? No... is that?

"Dick Grayson?" I said aloud. Dick put his head back in his knees. He cried harder. I slowly walked over to him.

"A-are you okay Dick?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Fine then keep your secrets." I mumbled. I decided to leave him alone and go tell the rest of the team so maybe Wally could help him.

"W-wait... ca-n y-ou p-p-lease st-tay?" He quivered. I looked into his eyes. They were dull and full of sadness. I sat down beside him, leaning my back against a big electrical box.

"Can I help in some way?" I asked in the sweetest voice I could muster.

"Unless you have magical powers that can bring people back from the dead, then no." He responded so quietly I could barely hear.

"Back from the dead? Who do you wanna see again?" I questioned.

"M-my p-pare-nts." He whispered. "Me too." I mumbled silently. He took his head from out of his knees and rested his chin on his right knee. A feeling of sorrow dawned on me. No matter how much we fought, I suddenly felt really sorry for him.

I hesitated at first but soon I began to rub calming circles on his back. Tears dropped from his blue orbs, making them shine. He started to sob again.

Taking a quick breath in, I took it a step further. I put my arms around his shoulders and pulled him in for a hug. I expected him to run from my grip but he stayed there. Eventually he turned and sobbed into my chest. My  grey oversized 'Robin' shirt began to grow wet with tears.

I continued to rub his back. My left arm was wrapped around his waist, keeping him in place. I rested my head on his head, in his dark, black locks. He pulled away after a minute. And cried into his knees. I slipped my hand under his chin and lifted it so he was staring into my (Y/E/C) orbs. His eyes shone sadly.

"Hey, hey don't cry." I whispered to him, cracking a soft smile. I brushed some tears from his cheek and kissed it. His face turned a light pink.

I pulled him into my chest and hugged him above the ribs. He surprisingly returned the hug, squeezing just above my waist. After a minute we pulled away. I looked at him with a look in my eyes I hadn't had in awhile. Love.

His arm crept to the back of my head. Slightly confused I started to open my mouth to ask 'Whaaaaaaaaaat are ya doin'? But I was cut off by his lips meeting mine. I let out the smallest squeak before returning the kiss. It was slightly salty from his tears but sweet at the same time. When we pulled away our foreheads leaned against each other's.

"And here I thought you hated me." I said.

"I thought you hated me too."

"Maybe we hated each other so much that it turned into something else..."

Dick smiled. He lightly kissed me again. To my own surprise, I deepened the kiss.

"Woah there lovebirds!" A familiar voice exclaimed. My and Dick pulled away with the same look on our faces that said, 'crap'. The team was standing there, Wally at the front, grinning like a madman.

"I say we make a run for." I whispered to Dick.

"Sounds like a plan
(A/GF/N/N)." (adorable girlfriend nick name). He responded. We both shot up and tore passed the team. Wally and Artemis howled in laughter at our embarrassment.

Panting we ran outside and found our way to the beach. I turned and cupped Dick's face in my hands.

"Don't cry."

Hope you guys liked! Um I happen to love stories of Dick Grayson (being Robin) x Reader on the Young Justice team, just forewarning you!

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