Um, I'm gay Damian x Male!reader

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So y'all are probably getting sick and tired of my male x Batboys oneshots but I love gay sh*t. With the exception of, like, one ship, all my OTPs are gay and I love writing gay sh*t.

My apologies if I'm writing too much x Male reader, I'll create another oneshot book with just male inserts, move these last few chapters there and keep this one a female reader but if u guys are liking the male reader, I won't change it but please, please let me know. Your guys feedback makes my descions much easier.

Now enjoy the oneshot! (Naturally it's Damian, again. I got the inspiration from a comment made by kabi_kayoubi even though it wasn't on purpose).

Damian: 15 (Damian's a bit taller than you)
You:15 Your power: Levitation/flying, telekinesis and teleportation.

(Y/n)'s pov

I had my arms wrapped around Damian's torso, hiding my face in his stomach while he had an arm around my shoulders and was reading book. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Damiannnnnnnnn~!" I whined. "Pay attention to meeeeeeeeee!" I tugged on his shirt. Damian ignored me and I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance.

I remembered something and I smirked. I lightly pushed back Damian's shirt from his stomach revealing part of his six pack. I lightly tickled the exposed skin. Damian squeaked and grabbed my wrist.

He watched me carefully. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. He rolled his eyes, setting the book down.

"Oh finally! Is that book more interesting than me, you're boyfriend?" I exclaimed. Damian sighed.

"What do you want (N/n)?" He asked.

"Attention!" I exclaimed, sitting up. Damian smiled, sitting up with me. He softly caressed my cheek.

"What kind of attention?" He asked suggestivly. I hit his chest.

"You pervert!" I growled. The ravenette chuckled. The door slid open and I shot off the bed, pretending to be fixated by some random thing on Damain' s desk while he grabbed his book.

Raven stood in the doorway. I glanced up at her, floating off the ground and pretending on focusing on levitation a few pens.

"Hey Rave!" I waved. She smiled at me and turned her attention to Damian.

"Hello Damian. Is (Y/n) irritating you again?" She asked. Damian rolled his eyes.

"Naturally." He answered. I have to admit, that stung a little. See, Damian is still in the closet about being gay and so we have to hide our relationship. But the little bastard makes it especially hard when he randomly winks at me or slaps my ass when he passes by.

I know Raven likes Damian but the poor man is oddly oblivious. Anyway, we have to pretend and so I go to my usual nature of jokes and teasing while Damian becomes cold and distant.

It's not really fair, but as Damian's boyfriend, I respect that he's nervous to come out. It was difficult for me to come out to everyone as a gay demisexual (~Not experiencing any sexual attraction to another until a greater bond is formed~) but when I did, I was accepted.

Damian's not so worried about the team as much as he's worried about his family. That's understandable, I came out to my father and he became even more distant if that's possible.

Anyway, back to the present.

Raven shuffled her feet nervously. I raised an eyebrow.

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