Dead Bird Batboys x Reader

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Jason's pov

I heard Nightwing scream. I bolted over to his direction. "What the he-" I stopped in my tracks. Looking a few feet in front of me, I saw (Y/N) clutching her chest, where her heart was. She staggered backwards.
"(Y/SH/N)!" I yelled. I dashed over to her just in time to catch her. She let out raged breaths. Nightwing ran over.

"Quick! Someone do SOMETHING!!" He yelled. Red Robin and Robin came running over. Red Robin gasped at the sight. He immediately commanded me to lay her down. Robin sat down, placing (Y/N)'s head on his lap. He squeezed her hand. I ran off to find the Joker. I'm not going to let that bastard get away with this!

I found him in the corner of the warehouse, about to leave. Grabbing the collar of his shirt I growled. "You are gonna pay!"

He only laughed his horrid laugh. I beat him to a pulp for a minute. I pulled out my gun. My grip tightened around the trigger. I felt a hand smack it out of the way.

"Batman!!What the hell!?" I shouted.

Damian's pov

I squeezed (Y/N)'s hand as Drake checked her injuries.

"C'mon (Y/N)! Stay with me!" I whispered, bending my back so I was whispering into her ear.

"D-Damian..." She said, her words slurred. "P-please d-don't for-rget me-e...". She breathed in a ragged breath.

"NO! (Y/N)!! Don't talk like that!" Drake said kneeling at her side, tears streaming down his cheeks. She let go of my hand and reached up to his face. Weakly, she pulled him closers so he could hear.

"T-Tim. We both kn-ow," she winced as she took a breath in. "...that's there's nothing an-nyone can d-do." She finished. He turned slightly and buried his face into Grayson's chest. Grayson hugged him, about to burst into tears. She closed her eyes. Mine widened.

"NO NO! (Y/N)! Please!" I cried out. Her eyes fluttered open in pain. She let out a heart braking groan. She pulled my head down to her forehead so they touched.

"Damia-an... please don't forget m-e," her voice cracked. "I l-love you al-l." She closed her eyes as her hands dropped.

"(Y/N)..." I gasped out, between silent sobs. I bent down to her chest. It stoped rising.

I heard metal drop onto the ground by her leg. I glanced up and saw a blurry Todd. He fell to his knees, grasping her hand.

"(Y/N)... please..." he breathed softly. "Todd, i-its too late," I cried harder at the thought.

"she's gone."

Part two should be out soon!

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