Dead Bird Part 2 Batboys x Reader

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3rd Person pov

It had been a week since (Y/N)'s death and four days since her funeral. It had hit all the boys like a punch in the stomach, except worse. They all grieved and mourned in their own way.

Let's start with Dick. He would constantly cry and mourn, not caring who saw. He would sit in the living room and cry his heart out. He blamed himself. If I had gotten to her faster... he always thought. If I had, I could've blocked it and we would have both lived.

Tim's way was more quiet than Dick's. He would find a corner in the library and hug himself and silently sob. He would give and receive hugs from his loved ones, even from the little demon himself.

Jason mourned in secret. The second he was sure he was alone, he would brake down. He would sob for an hour each day. He gave more hugs to others but at the same time became colder. He would also take his sadness and rage out on thugs, villains and another crime-ridden people he came across.

Lastly Damian. He also would mourn in secret. While people thought of him as a heartless demon, he was really sensitive about the who thing and refused to speak. Even though it was a 'girl's necklace', he wore (Y/N)'s special necklace around his neck. He would constantly play with it.

~Time Skip brought to you by the fact that Alfred is freaking IMMORTAL~

Talia's pov

It was late at night and I glared at my men, barking at them to go faster. Soon I returned to the mountains with my son's sister, (Y/N)'s body.

I had prepared my men and we had set off to retrieve her body about 12 hours ago.

The Lazarus Pit glowed in-front of me. Thirteen of my assassins lined the perimeter of the green pool.

"Hurry up." I barked. Gently but swiftly
(Y/N)'s body was placed in the pool. Given a small nudge, she floated into the middle of the pool. She sunk down stayed there for a minute.

Suddenly she shot up out of the water and screamed in pain. She frantically looked around, wrapping her arms around her upper chest area. A ripped black dress from her funeral still sat upon her delicate figure. The pit had burned it and it now sat only on certain parts of her body. I held out a hand and gingerly, she took it. I pulled her out of the pool.

I smirked slightly as a saw a white streak had appeared in her hair. She looked around as one of the assassin's covered her in a black blanket. She looked at me blankly.


~Time Skip (bit more than a year)  brought to you by Jaimes scarab that should really keep its comments to itself~

Tim's pov

More than a year had passed since
(Y/N)'s death. Me, Dick, Jason and Damian couldn't bring ourselves to visit or see her grave for a year. Until today when we decided to go. We had picked up a huge bouquet of (Y/F/F) (your favourite flower). We hopped out of the limo. We walked to (Y/N)'s grave. Something wasn't right.

Jason inspected the ground.

"Guys something is definitely wrong..." he trailed off. Dick bent down. The grass seemed to have moved somehow. He let out a 'hmm'. To my own surprise I felt myself ripping up the grass around (Y/N)'s stone.

"Tim! What are you doing?" Dick asked, alarmed. I pried away a fake slab of metal that had fake grass on it. There below it, was a big empty space. Dick screamed, attracting attention from people. Me and Jason quickly covered up the problem, literally. Damian had a sober expression on him face. Suddenly he burst into tears. Jason gave him a hug as Damian tightened his grip on Jason's jacket. Jason pick up Damian.

"T-Time to g-go." He stuttered. Dick nodded. They walked out. I leaned over to (Y/N)'s grave. I kissed her tombstone.

"We'll be back soon (Y/N)." I said.

(Y/N)/ your pov

"Is this a good idea Talia?" I asked my stand in mother. She grinned.

"Of course! Don't you want to see your brothers and father again?" She asked in a tone that had a bit of tease lingering on it. I squeezed my eyes shut. I tried to remember them but I couldn't. Ever time I felt so close, the opportunity slipped from my mind. I sighed frustrated.

My (Y/H/C) hair with a bright white streak whipped around my face.

"Yes-s." I said, hating my tone of voice. "It would be enjoyable to see them to get this nagging feeling out of my head." I finished. Talia smirked.

"You're about to." We stopped at the door to Wayne manor.

"You remember the plan?" She asked I nodded. I was to slip into the Batcave and wait for my 'family' to come 'discover' me. I wondered why Talia had wanted to make things so dramatic. I slipped into the shadows as Talia knocked on the door.

"Talia?" I voice asked. It sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Beloved." She replied. I easily slipped past the security cameras and traps. I snuck into the Batcave. I wandered bit. I came up to a glass case that had a suit in it. I instantly recognized it as my old (Y/O/SH/N) (your old superhero name) suit. I left it behind me and sat in the chair of the Batcave's computer and waited.

Alrighty, next part (# 3) will be up soon to wrap this up. Hope you liked!

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