How You Meet Them -Vigilante Style

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Dick 💙:

You finished a job that was meant for Nightwing. He arrives and flirts with you. You smirk at him and give him a card with your number on it. You disappear into the night. Soon later, once you're at home, he texts you and asks you on a date.

Jason 🖤:

You gunned a robber and Red Hood came up behind you. You told him you're only doing what Batman doesn't. He smirks and tell you he does the same. You both sit on a rooftop and chat for awhile. He leaves and "accidentally" drops a paper with his number on it. You get home and call him.

Tim ❤️:

You were fighting a villain on a rooftop and the villain pushed you off the edge and took your grappling hook, so you couldn't save yourself. You braced for impact but felt a strong pair of arms catch you and you both land on a rooftop. He smiles at you and you thank him. Then you and him, Red Robin, defeat the villain. As you leave you give him s paper with your number on it. Later he calls you.

Damian 💚:

As you finish up stopping a kidnaping, a batarang flew by your head. You looked in the direction of where it came from and you came face-to-face with, Robin. He glared and asked you who you were. You told him your vigilante name, already knowing who he was. A cracking sound came over his comm tell him he needed to stop a drug trade. You went with him and once you finished the job, he complemented your skills and you gave him your number. You left and received a text from him, asking if you wanted to meet up and fight crime tomorrow.

Hope you liked! Comment who's your fave Batboy!! I love them all but my fave is Damian.

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