Kitty Cat Damian x Reader

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Hello people! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting and I'm afraid that will continue for a bit longer due to poor Wi-Fi, I hope you understand, enjoy the chapter! Ps, I need some ideas for this story collection so if you have any, please, please, PLEASE, feel free to request the plot and the Batboy (Damian, Jason, Tim or Dick you get the point. If wanted I will do a Jon x Reader) thanks! Anyway, I've been yammering and you probably wanna read the story so I'm sorry, and enjoy! 

(Y/N)'s pov

I carefully picked up the calico kitten and wrapped her in a warm blanket before placing her in a carrier.

I hurried down the streets of Gotham in the pouring rain, my dog (Dog's Name) running after me.

"C'mon (Dog's name)! We gotta hurry before the shelter closes!" I urggered. ( Dog name) barked and he/she ran faster.

I reached the animal shelter building. A simple white, black and blue building. I stepped inside sopping wet. I shivered and clutches the handle of the cage harder.

(Dog's name) came in behind me and shook herself/himself off, spraying more water on me..

"Are you kidding me (Dog's name)!?" I shot ( Dog's name) a look. HE/she tilted his/her head to the side in an innocent manor. I sighed and walked into the shelter.

"Hey Jake! I got one more!" I called. A young man with brown hair and blue eyes came into view.

" Seriously, (Y/N)? You're soaking wet! " Jake took the carrier from me and peeked at the cat inside. "Cute." He turned his attention back to me. " Now, you go get changed and warned up 'kay? " Jake asked. I grinned.

"Sure bro. Night!" I called as I made my way up to my room in the apartment above the shelter.

" Night sis. " Jake responded, setting the calico cat down in a cozy pen area.

Once I got to the apartment, I hurried into my room and quickly slid out of my way clothes. I took a five minute shower and changed into my son's which were merely an oversized Robin t-shirt and some black shorts/pants (whichever you prefer).

I slid into my desk chair and turned on my lamp. I pulled out a pen and a notebook and began writing.

"Are you just gonna sit there the whole time, or do you wanna come in?" I turned to look at the boy wonder who sat perched outside my window.

He smirked. "If I may enter." He said non-chalantly. I grinned and opened up the window. He slid inside and say on my bed while I took a seat in my desk chair to face him.

" So, get anymore animals today? " he asked.

"Yep. Two stray dogs and an abandoned calico cat." I informed him. He nodded. I turned back to my work leaving Robin to think about whatever he thought about.

This is usually how most nights would go. Robin would visit me while I worked and he would sit somewhere in my room and think about who knows what. The silence was comfortable and we both enjoyed it. Robin usually had to leave after an hour thanks to Batman.

A crackling sound was heard and Robin groaned. "That's my cue to leave." Robin kept out the window. " Bye (Y/N)! " he called.

"Bye Robin!" I shouted after him. 

(Y/N)'s pov

I heard meow coming from an alley and I went in that direction. I came on a small black cat with green paws and a green mask. 

 "Hey kitty, kitty kitty..." I cooed. The cat turned to look at me and I saw it had a black collar around its neck. I picked up the cat and flipped the collar around. 

 " Robin. " I read. "Holy crow! Robin! Is that you?" I looked at the cat and he gave me a bored look saying; yes it is me you idiot

I cradled Robin in my arms and he started flipping around, clearly not enjoying it. I snickered and shifted the position so he looked over my back on my shoukder. He seemed mildly satisfied and remained syill. 

I began the walk home and entered mine and my older brother's, (brother name) apartment. 

I placed Robin down gently and put some leftover chicken on a plate. I filled up a bowl with water and placed that down beside the chicken. 

Robin sniffed the chicken and seemed to inspect it before he decided to eat it. 

I smirked and left him to go slip into my pjs which were an oversized Robin t-shirt and black shorts/pants. While is was slipping on my shirt, I heard my door creek and I saw Robin watching me. 

I let out a small scream and threw a pillow at him. 

 "Perv! You're a little pervert Robin!" I exclaimed as I slid my shirt all the way on. I shook my head and picked up Robin, who had an amused look on his furry little face.  

I brought him over to my bed and set him down gently. He stalled around in the blankets and found a comfortable spot before he settled down and curled up. 

 "Awww!" I cooed. Robin opened one eye and glared at me. I crawled into bed and shut my eyes once I found a comfortable postion. At one point, I felt Robin curl up against my back before we both fell into a soundless sleep. 

 ~Time Skip to the morning brought to you by this parrot 🐦~ 

I cracked one of my eyes open and glanced around my room. I went to sit up but I was kept down. 

Hang on a minute... 

Slowly I turned and saw Robin, now human again, laying beside me, his arms wrapped around my waist, fast asleep. I cupped a hand over my mouth to keep from.screeching too loud. 

My.muffled noises woke Robin and he stirred. 

 "Hhhm? What's go-S***!" He shouted. He pulled away from me and sat up in bed. Thank gosh he was still in his full Robin uniform. 

He clambered out of bed quite clumsily. "I am so so sorry!" I apologised. I stood up from the bed. Robin shook his head. 

 "Its fine, just, akward. I'll be leaving now." He muttered the last part before jumping out the wondow. " Bye (Y/N)! " he called. I leaned out the window. 

 "B-Bye Robin!" I shouted. I collapsed back on my bed. "Holy crow that was weird. " I put a hand on my forehead and shut my eyes. 


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