Glasses Jason x Shy! Bullied! Reader

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(Y/N)/ your pov

I hugged my textbooks close to my chest like a character in a TV show. My (Y/H/C) hung confront of my face as I kept my head down. 

Almost through the day. Just one more class. I thought to myself. I stopped in my tracks when I heard my name being called. 

 "Yoo-hoo! Oh (mean nickname)!" (Girl bully name) chirped. I slowly turned to face her. I looked up into her (random eye colour) eyes that glared down at me. I pushed my glasses up higher in my nose. 

 "H-hi ( girl bully name)." I mumbled. She slapped my textbooks out of my hands. 

 "You are to address me as 'your majesty (bully name) ', idiot." She scolded me, whilst slapping me across the face. I nodded as a few kids snickered. I bent to pick up my books. 

(Bully nsme) kicked me in the side and I fell into my  bruised hip. I hissed in pain and turned on my knees. (Bully name)'s two friends showed up. (Bully friend) and (Bully friend). They laughed at me as I pushed my glasses further up my nose. I'm blind as a bat without my glasses.  

Suddenly, my vision became blurry, then I could barely see my own hands upfront of me. I looked up to see a very blurry (Bully name), toying with my glasses. 

 "H-hey give those back!" I whispered. I could practically heard (Bully name)'s evil smirk. She waved them above her head. 

 "Come and get them!" She teased. My eyes filled with tears. 

 Jason's pov

I stepped up behind (Bully name) and grabbed her wrist that held (Y/N)'s glasses. She turned to face me and grinned, twirling her hair around her finger.  

 "Hiya Jason." She giggled. Uhg. What a flirt. I thought. 

 "Don't 'hiya Jason' me, give (Y/N) her glasses." I growled. (Bully name) giggled agian. 

 "Make me." She taunted. I glared and squeezed her wrist. She helped in pain.

 "I'll say it one more time, give the glasses." I threatened in a husky voice. ( bully name)s lips quivered. 

"H-here." She mumbled. She passed me the glasses and ran off with her friends. I

I knelt down on one knee in front of (Y/N). I brushed some (Y/H/C) strands from her face and gently pushed the glasses onto her face. She adjusted them slightly before giving me a warm smile. I

 "Thanks." She whispered. I grinned. 

 " No problem. " I extended and hand and she took it, allowing me to pull her up. I slipped a price of paper into her hands. "Call me." I whispered into her ear before walking away. 

My face flushed a dark crimson. 


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