Raven Part 2 Damian x reader

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**sniff** Y'all kept predicting what I was gonna do in the comments in the first part  **sniff** so take this! **proceeds to pout in corner**

(Y/n)'s pov

The team hurried to suit up. As did I, getting into my
(Y/S/H/N) suit. I rushed into the hall to be met by Beast Boy. We quickly rushed to the living room/meeting room. Starfire hovered above the ground waiting for everyone.

Once me and Beast Boy arrived, she cleared her throat.

"Death Stroke is at again." She said. Robin uncrossed his arms to hold Raven's hand. Beast Boy made a gagging noise. I smirked. "He is programming a nuclear bomb down town." She paused to bring up an image of an abandoned warehouse.

"Anyone care to tell me why it's always abandoned warehouses?" I said smirking. Beast Boy and Blue Beatle snickered.

Robin glared at me. A pit formed in my stomach and I looked away. I caught Starfire's sympathetic look before she continued.

"That is unknown to me." She said. "Anyway, he's planning to launch it. As it explodes, some sort of toxin will be released and he will then be able to control anyone who breathes it."

"Sort of like Joker's Laughing Gas." Robin commented. Starfire nodded.

"Yes quite like that except much worse. We will not be able to stop him without putting thousands of citizens in danger if he succeeds." The alien princess finished.

"Well then what are we waiting for a theme song?" (Does anyone get my Young Justice reference...?) Blue Beatle exclaimed, tossing his hands in the air in exasperation.

"Well I do have one written actually-"

"We don't want to hear it Beast Boy." Robin snapped. I glared.

"What's your problem?" I yelled. Robin glared.

"That will be enough. We do not need to start arguing before a mission." Starfire broke in. "Raven, can you create a portal for us to get to town quickly?" Starfire said. Raven nodded. She let go of Robin's hand and closed her eyes. She extended a hand in front of herself and opened her eyes. They glowed a bright red.

"Azarath Metrion Zintoz!" (probably spelt wrong but I'm a lazy boi so oh well) A portal appeared. Beast Boy and Blue Beatle elbowed each other to go in first before they tumbled through. Starfire let out an exasperated sigh before flying through. Then Raven.

Robin approached the portal next but I cut him off, going in front of him. He huffed and followed behind me. I stepped out on the other side of the portal. It closed behind Robin.

"Alright team, that warehouse right there is where it's all going down." She whispered quietly. "Robin heat-scan the building." She ordered. Robin nodded.

He opened his wrist computer and made quick work of his task while we all hooked up our comms.

"Guards patrolling all windows and door. They're on the roof too. But there's not a lot in the main room." Robin reported. Star took a moment to think.

"Blue and Raven, go ahead and get rid of the patrolling guards. Listen for commands over comm." She ordered. Raven smiled at Robin before she flew off with Blue Beatle. 

"Robin and (Y/s/h/n) find your way into the main room and try handball Death Stroke. Beast Boy and I will secure the area. Listen for details over comms." Star ordered. Robin nodded. I saluted and ran off in pursuit of Robin.

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