Wolves Damian x Sweet! Clumsy! Wolf! Reader

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(Y/N)/your pov

I ran as I fast as I could down the streets of Gotham. I made as many turns as I could, trying to loose the guards and scientists behind me. 

I turned down a street and wasn't looking ahead. I slammed into a chest. My beanie started slipping off my wolf ears. I opened my eyes and looked down at a boy with black hair and piercing green orbs. 

I blushed furiously at our position. I was a top of him, my knees on either side of his waist area. My hands rested on the ground at both sides of his head. 

"Ohmygoshimsosorry!" I muttered. He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Mind getting off?" He asked, irritated. I nodded and scrambled off him. I stood and pulled my beanie over my ears.

He stood up and brushed some dust off his uniform. 

"Are you okay?" Another voice asked. I whipped my head to the side to see another boy with black hair but with blue eyes looking at me. 

" I uh-uh I don't know? " I responded. The scientists and guards came thundering around the corner. I let out a small squeak. The blue eyed boy stood in front of me protectively. 

 "Damian, get her out of here. I'll handle them." The boy said to the other who was Damian. Damian nodded and grabbed my hand. He pulled me along with him as we bolted down the streets. 

Once we were a couple blocks away, we stopped to breathe. I had a worried expression on my face. 

 "Will your friend be okay?" I asked, tugging my beanie over my ears even more. I felt my tail flicking under my skirt. 

 " Who Jon? Yes he'll be fine. " Damian informed me of his friend's name. I have him a crooked smile. 

 "Thanks for saving me." I said sweetly. 

 "No problem. Now come. We should get to my house, you'll be safe there." He pulled my along. Being clumsy, despite I had wolf instinct and ears and a tail, I tripped. 

My beanie slid from off my head and fell to the ground. My fluffy tail joined the party and became exposed for Damian to see. I laughed nervously as he stared at me.

~Time skip to almost a year later (You and Damian are now datimg. You're currently hanging out at the mall with Jon and Damian)~

I slipped on the (Favourite Flavor) milkshake (if you don't like milkshakes then change it) Damian had gotten for me. Damian stood up. 

 "Beloved, I'm just going to go use the restroom, I'll be back in a minute or so, you're fine on your own?" He asked. I nodded, still slipping on my milkshake. 

He left as I pulled my beanie over my ears even more. I was paranoid someone would see me with my ears and tail and take me back to the lab. I heard footsteps behind me, but didn't turn around, thinking it was Damian. 

A hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned my head and yelped in surprise when I saw it was one of the perverted boys, Jake ( change the name of you want) from school. He had three of his friends behind him who immediately surrounded me. 

I stiffened in my seat and looked at the ground. 

"Hiya beautiful." Jake mumbled into my neck, sitting beside me, rather close. I shoved him away slightly. 

"Awww c'mon don't be like that." One of his friends whined. He slid his arm around my waist. 

"Stop it!" I squeaked. Jake smiled, making me uncomfortable. 

"Oh baby, why do ya have been so mean?" He mumbled. 

" I'm not your baby! I have a boyfriend! " I exlaimed slightly louder than I intended. I waited for someone to notice the problem and come over and help. But it was late and me and Damian had been the last customers. 

Jake then took it a step to far. He buried his face in my neck and began kissing it. 

 "Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!" I squirmed, trying to shove Jake away. His friend that had his arm around my waist, slid them to my forarms. He held my arms at my side as tears filled my eyes. I didn't like this at all. 

Suddenly, there was a flying of fists. Jake and his buddies were ripped away from me. I curled into a ball on my chair. 

"Don't ANY of you EVER touch her AGAIN!" Damian growled. Immeadeatly , he had his arms around me and was hugging me tight. 

 " Beloved! Oh my gosh! Are you okay? " Damian asked worriedly. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed my forehead. I

 "Y-yeah. I'm okay. Thanks for saving me boy wonder." I hugged Damian tightly. 

" Come on now, let's go to my place. We can watch a movie and you can wash the touch of those horrible boys off of you! " Damian said. 

 "Sounds good." I pecked his cheek and we stood to leave. Damian held my hand and patted my head in a pet like manor as we walked to his house. 

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