I'll Be Home For Christmas🎄Batboys x batsis!reader

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MERRY CHRISTMAS MY BATS! A little about me, I LOVE Christmas!

Comment what you want this year! I want a will to live. Jk, I don't really want anything this year. Maybe If people could go check out some of my other non Batfam related books??? 

If you don't celebrate Christmas, sorry. If you do, Merry Christmas and enjoy the oneshot! 

(Y/n)'s pov

I rocked back and fourth on my heels, glancing up at the clock every few minutes. Since a young age, I've lived with my abusive mother. I've never understood why she hated me. I did everything I could to be "the perfect daughter" for her, but she was never happy with me.

It wasn't until I was nine that one of my escapes from home actually succeeded when she was passed out on the couch. I had snuck out wearing my footie pyjamas and grabbed a hammer that I had found a few days earlier. I had also grabbed my stuffed pig named Pink and ran out of the house. I didn't make it far when I was cornered by two men.

I screamed and kicked as they grabbed at me. Then, just in the nick of time, two dark figures swooped in and saved me. They dropped me off at the police station where I learned I had been saved by none other than Batman and his sick-kick Robin.

The police arrested my mom and I was brought to an adoption centre. There I met a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes named Bianca (If that's your name, change it). She was older than me by three years. She became my "big sister" so to speak and stayed with me.

To her surprise, she had gotten adopted a year ago by a nice family. Time Skip to two two years later, I'm now eleven. My name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n).

I glanced at the clock again, bouncing in my seat. Today I was finally being adopted! After three long years of waiting and helping other kids and watch them leave happily, it was now my turn.

A small (Y/f/c) backpack was placed on the floor by my feet. It contained my stuffed pig Pink, my clothes, toiletries, three of my favourite books and my special box filled with pictures and newspaper articles about Batman, Red Robin, Red Hood, Nightwing and Robin.

Since Batman and Robin had saved me, I'd loved them. I wanted to be like them and help other kids and defeat nasty bad guys like the Joker. I always wished they would swing by my window at night and take me to live with them so I could train to be just like them (Anyone getting Tim vibes? No, just me? Okay...).

"(Y/n) dear, your new dad is here!" The orphanage owner named Mya called. She smiled at me as I shot out of my seat and grabbed my backpack. I slung it over my shoulders and followed her out to the foyer.

I started to get nervous. My palms began sweating and my heartbeat sped up. Suddenly I didn't want to be adopted. I wanted to stay at the orphanage and snuggle into my warm bed and read stories to the younger kids.

I hid behind Mya as we stepped into the foyer. A man was signing some papers. With two boys standing beside him. The man turned to us. I hid even further behind Mya.

Mya pushed me forward. I looked up at the man. He had jet black hair, darker than Batman's cape and electric blue eyes. He had a tall figure and wore a black and white business suit. He crouched down to my height and smiled at me.

"Hi there (Y/n), I'm Bruce Wayne. I'm going to be your dad now." He said kindly. I couldn't help but smile back. He extended his hand but instead of taking it, I jumped onto him, hugging him tight. Mya laughed.

"I'm terribly sorry Mr. Wayne, she's a jumpy, energetic one." Mya apologised. Bruce chuckled.

"That's just how I like 'em." He responded. I let go of him and he stood up. He held my hand and introduced me to the two boys. One looked younger than me while the other looked a bit older.

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