Happy Birthday Beloved Damian x Reader

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Damian's pov

Staring at the clock I waited for the end of the school day to come. Come on... I thought.

**bell noises, bell noises**

All the students around me began to pack up their bags. I got out of the classroom as quickly as possible. I pulled out my phone and made a quick call to Grayson.


"Hey little D!"

"I told you not to call me that. Anyway do you have everything set up?"

"Yes we do little D! It's so nice you're doing this for your girlfriend!"

"GRAYSON! She's NOT my girlfriend!"

"Okay okay whatever helps you sleep at night. See you at the manor!"

"Goodbye Grayson."

I hung up the phone. I was recently informed of my best friend, (Y/L/N)'s birthday. It was today so I decided to surprise her at the manor.

My cheeks grew warm. Over the two years I've known her, I've grown more fond of her. More fonder than seeing her as a friend.

I picked through the crowds of students and saw her (Y/H/C) hair blowing a bit in the breeze. She was sitting on one of the benches, drawing. I snuck up on her and came up behind her.

"When are you going to show me what you draw in there?" I asked leaning on the bench. She jumped a bit and slammed her sketchbook closed.

"Wayne! You scared me!" She said, playfully hitting my arm. I walked around to the front of the bench and pulled her up by her (Y/S/C) (your skin colour) hand. I felt blush creep onto my cheeks.

I led her to the limo with Alfred waiting for us. We climbed in and drove to the manor. (Y/L/N) and Pennyworth engaged in their normal conversation when she would drive with us.

How come she isn't giving any hints for her birthday? Does she not celebrate it? Either that, or she's an amazing actress. I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hang on a second Alfred, what is it Wayne?" She asked sweetly as she turned to face me. Wait. Sweetly? She doesn't usually talk like that. I took a sharp breath in.

"(Y/L/N), do you celebrate your birthday?" I asked, hesitantly. She took a breath in. We pulled up to the manor and got out.

"Um not really..." CRAP. "... I don't have anyone to celebrate it with..." she mumbled. Wait WHAT? I thought- but she- she told me she had a family. Maybe they're not a nice one? Oh shoot what am I going to do? We walked into the manor and my brothers and pets jumped out and yelled;

"SURPRISE!" (Well not the pets for obvious reasons). I glanced and
(Y/L/N) and she stood there. Her eyes were glassy. Wait... glassy? As in crying? I've never seen her cry. Oh gosh, I've really messed up this time.

"T-thanks g-guys..." she whispered. She slowly backed into the corner. "I-I'm jus-t gonna b-be a minute..." she said barely above a whisper. She ran out of the room. I heard her go up stairs, to my room probably. My brothers turned to look at me.

"I'll be right back." Said before running up the stairs. I quietly opened up my door and saw (Y/L/N) sitting on the opposite side of the bed from me, her back facing me. She had her knees pulled up to her chest. Her back was shaking and I could hear faint sobs.

I got onto the bed and crawled over to her. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around her.

"Beloved, what's wrong?" I asked in the kindness voice I could muster. She cried harder so I just hugged her and whispered kind words into her ear. After what felt like hours she wiped her tears and looked at the floor.

"I-I'm s-sorry D-Damian. I just-" she sniffed. "I-I don't celebrate m-my birthday b-because I-it's th-e day my family d-died..." she cried. My eyes widened.

"Oh Beloved! I'm so sorry!" I hugged her to my chest and she hugged me back. I heard her begin to sob again. I lifted her up so she leaned on my shoulder. I felt tears land on my pant legs. I lifted her chin to look at me.

"(Y/N), you can always tell me what's wrong, I promise you, you always can always talk to me. Please don't cry."

"Thanks Damian." She whispered, her (Y/E/C) orbs still glassy. Ok here goes nothing... I cupped her face in my hands kissed her. She squeaked but soon returned it. She and I pulled away after a minute. I embraced her tightly.

"Happy Birthday Beloved."

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