Raven Damian x reader

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Some announcements before the oneshot so please read!

1. I've been thinking of doing a new book various x reader where it's like random characters from random fandom x the reader. Tell me what you think.

2. I have two books I really wanna post but I'm not sure if I should. One is a non fanfiction book **gasp** it's crazy I know. The other one is a fanfic about Damian.

3. I need ideas for two books. What should I do with two characters in the Damaged Big Bro fanfic, and I need ideas for oneshots in my Batboys oneshot book (if you haven't, please go check both books out!)

4. Last one I promise, I posted a new book 'Finding Sanity A Harley Quinn Fanfic', it's not doing so well so please check it out 'cuz I might take it down.

Okay, please take these things into consideration and comment your opinions.

I've also got a big speech in doing in front of a ton of people tomorrow night so TAKE THIS AND WISH ME LUCK BECAUSE I HAVE ANXIETY.

Y/n's pov

"Raven," Damian said. I glanced up from my book at the two. Raven hummed in response. "I require a word with you." I frowned.

"Sure Damian." Raven responded in her usual monotone voice. She followed Damian from the kitchen into the hall way. I shot a quick look at Gar who was sitting across from me. He shrugged and looked back down at his comic book.

I tried to not eavesdrop on the conversation but I just couldn't focus on my book anymore. I have up, pretending to read while picking out bits of the conversation.

"Raven... I ... Look. I have come to terms with my feelings about you." My heart ached and I felt panic rising in my chest. "Raven, I quite like you. More than a teammate or a friend." It was quiet for a minute.

"I-I quite like you too Damian." Raven said softly. My heart shattered.

See, I've had a crush on Damian since I laid eyes on him. His sparkling green eyes, his soft jet black hair, his muscular body, his smarts and fighting skills.

I blocked out all noise including the rest of the conversation, as a tear slipped down my cheek.

~Time Skip~

We were all eating lunch and Gar was trying not to gag when he saw Raven holding Damian's hand. Starfire and Jaime were eyeing their hands. I just looked away, trying to ignore them.

But stupid Damian decided to stand up. The rest of the team looked at him. I forced myself to look at him with fake confusion.

"Seeing that I have your attention, I would like to announce something." Damian said. My heart sunk. He glanced at Raven who smiled at him. "Raven and I, are dating." he said, smiling his gorgeous smile. He had Raven stand and he held her waist.

The team and I cheered as he planted a kiss on her lips. It was taking all of my will power to not start blubbering like a baby. So I forced a fake smile and clapped for the two. When they finally sat down, we continued lunch.

Starfire grossed everyone out when she started talking about the whole 'no funny business thing'. Gar was scolding for making an inappropriate joke about her and Nightwing and lunch went on as usual. After lunch I excused myself to my room.

Once I got there, I shut the door and fell over onto the bed. I grabbed a pillow and held it to my face to muddle my sobs. After what felt like hours of tears and negative thoughts, there was a light knock on my door.

Before I could answer, the door slid open and Starfire walked in. She closed the door behind her and sat down on my bed. She stroked the back of my head while I stayed lying down. The only would that was heard was my sobs and Starfire's breathes.

After what felt like another hour, I pushed off the bed and sat up. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes. Starfire cleared her throat.

"You really do like him, don't you (Y/n)..." She trailed off. I only nodded. Not trusting my voice. Starfire wrapped me in a hug. "It'll be okay (Y/n). Who needs Damian anyway?" She offered trying to cheer me up. I gave her a light smile.

Then an alarm glared through the tower making us both jump. Starfire cursed in her native language.

"C'mon, there's a mission." She grabbed my hand and we raced to the main room. The rest of the team was there, Damian had his arm around Raven. I looked away and focused on Starfire. She read over some messages on the screen before turning to us.

"Everyone suit up. Death Stroke's at it again."

To be continued...

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