When He Hurts YouBatboys x Reader

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A/N status: the guy (Dick, Jason, Tim or Damian) is your boyfriend.


I skipped into the manor a smile plastered on my face. "Hey Alfred!" I called out happily. The kind old butler smiled at me.

"Hello Miss (Y/N). Looking for Master Dick I presume?" I nodded. "He's in the cave."

"Thank you Alfred." I went down to the cave to see Dick on furiously punching a punching bag. A frown appeared on my face.

"Hey Dick! Is something wrong?" I asked as I put a hand on his shoulder. He slapped it away.

"Non of your business." He snapped. My frown grew bigger. I clutched my hand he had slapped.

"Dick, if something's wrong just tel-"

"I don't have to tell you anything! You don't know what it's like now SHUT UP!" He yelled. Before I knew it his hand flew to my cheek. Harshly he slapped my face. I stared at him as my hand crept to my face.

"(Y-(Y/N)! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I-i didn't mean to!" He said he stepped closer to me. I shoved him away.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I screamed at him. I sprinted out of the cave and out of the manor. I arrived at my house and called (Y/B/F) (your best friend).

"Hey (Y/N)! What's going on?" Came his/her voice.

"Dick's really living up to his name." I responded.


I knocked on Jason's bedroom door. "Jason? It's (Y/N)." I said, opening his door. He sat on the side of his bed, his back facing me. He toyed around with a gun.

"Jason is everything okay?" I asked sweetly. He growled. I raised an eyebrow.

"Jason wh-" he sprung up from the bed and shot his gun. I screamed as it grazed my shoulder. I gripped my already bleeding shoulder. He dropped the gun.

"Oh my- (Y/N)! Are- I'm SO sorry!!" He yelled. Tears streamed down my face.

"SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed. I fled from the manor. I ran into Cass on the sidewalk.

"(Y/N)! What happened?"


I heard yelling coming from Tim's office. I stood up and grabbed my
(Y/W) (your weapon). I ran into the room.

"TIM! What's going on?" I shouted. He whipped his head to look at me glaring.

"I just can't figure out this case." He said. I walked over to the laptop.

"Well if you put these clues together..."

-Time Skip-

"So I'm mean it could be Riddler-" I rambled on. I had been working with Tim for an hour now. He should up and shoved me out of my chair. I pulled a glass down with me and it shattered cutting my hands.

"DO YOU EVER SHUT UP!!??" He screamed. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. I scrambled out the door and ran outside.

"Wait (Y/N) I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I ignored him and kept running. I phoned Stephanie.

"St-Steph...Tim hurt me." I cried into the phone.

"HE WHAT!!?? Ohmygosh I'll be at your place in five!"


I wandered around the cave. I paced back and forth, waiting for Damian to get back.

Suddenly the doors opened. I ran over to the Batmobile and a beaten up Batman and Robin jumped out.

"Ohmygosh! What happened?" I exclaimed. Damian ripped off his mask and glared. He stomped out of the cave so I turned to Bruce. He sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"We had a rough mission." He responded before walking away. I sauntered over to Damian.

"H-hey Damian? Are you okay?" I asked. He glared.

"What do you think idiot?" He asked harshly. You were taken aback. Your boyfriend had never called you an idiot while you were dating.

"Right, right stupid question... is there anything I can do?" I asked crossing my arms behind my back.

"Can you get lost?"

"D-Damian... what's going on? Why are you acting like this? Can I help you? Please just te-"

"Will you SHUT UP!" He yelled. I stepped back.

"S-sorry..." I mumbled.

"You should be. And I'm serious, get lost." A tear came to my eye.

"Damian, c'mon talk to m-" I was cut off by a katana being thrown at me. It cut my arm deeply. I held it and started to cry. Not if pain, just of hurt that my own boyfriend hurt me.

Damian's eyes widened.

"(Y-(Y/N)! I-I uh-I'm s-Sorry!" He said walking closer. I backed up.

"Leave me alone!" I whispered I turned and sprinted out the door.

"Please (Y/N)! Stay!"

"You told me to get lost so I will!" I screamed at him. I jumped on my motorcycle and arrived back at my place shortly. I unlocked the door and my best friend (B/F/N) sat on the couch beside Barbara.

"(Y/N)! What's going on? Why are you bleeding?"

Done! I'm going to do how it's resolved and your bff's reaction. Hope you enjoyed!

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