Don't Call Me That Damian x Reader

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(Y/N)/your pov

As my math teacher wrapped up telling us the homework, the bell rang. I scurried out of class to make it past the "stampede" of students. I waited by the flagpole for my friend Damian Wayne. Soon I caught sight of him, his black hoodie pulled over his Gotham Academy uniform.

"Happy Friday!" I said cheerfully. He grumbled in response. I frowned at this.

Damian had been acting weird lately. He seemed sad and hurt. Not physically, but mentally.

"Hey! You okay Damian?" I asked, as we walked down to see his butler Alfred waiting in a limo at the front.

"I'm fine (Y/L/N)." He snapped. I stepped away from him slightly. We got into the limo and I gave Alfred a hello.

"Is som-" I started. "Everything is FINE (Y/L/N)!" He practically yelled at me. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. He sighed. "I-I'm Sorry (Y/N), a lot has been going on lately." I only nodded in response. I rested a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at me, his green eyes seemed more dull and lifeless than usual.

"Is something going on at home?" I asked. "No." He said, a little too quick. I raised an eyebrow at him, thankfully he didn't see.

Soon we arrived at the manor. Alfred opened the limo doors and we hopped out. We entered Damian's mansion-of-a-house and we were greeted by his two older brothers, Tim and Jason.

"What's up demon?" Jason asked. Damian stiffened at the word "demon". I gave him a quizzical look before he turned to look at me. I quickly buried my face into our art project folder, pretending I hadn't heard a thing.

Jason smirked. "Hey (N/N)!" He called. I rolled my eyes in response. "Hey Jay." I said. Tim walked in. "Any reason you brought a girl here demon spawn." Damian once again stiffened. I gave Tim a small glare. "I'll have you know Timothy Drake, that me and Damian are working on a project together." I snapped at him. Tim stepped back.

Jason chuckled. "Ha you just got shown up by a girl!" He said. I gave him the signature bat-glare Damian had taught me. "Quit being a sexist idiot, Todd." Damian replied quietly. He grabbed my arm and lead me to his art room.

He sat on the couch I wandered around, looking at some of Damian's recent sketches. I blushed rapidly when I saw one of me. I hid it quickly so Damian wouldn't notice. I glanced at him but he had his head in his hands. I looked at him with a worried, questioning look. I sat beside him and gently pulled his hands from his face. His face was red and his eyes were shiny. "Damian what's going on?" I asked sweetly. He sniffed a bit.

"I-it's Nothing (Y/N)." He replied. I had never seen this side of Damian before. Sure he and I talked about personal problems but I never had seen him cry. I cupped his face in my hands, gently forcing him to look at me.

"Damian please! We've been through so much together! Tell me if somethings wrong!" I pleaded.

His sleeve fell a little exposing some white bandages around his wrists. I let go of his face and grabbed his wrists. He tried to pull away, but I was stronger that I looked. I pulled down his sleeves and saw his wrists were wrapped in white bandages with a bit of blood stained on them. I softly gasped, realizing what he had been doing.

"Damian!" I cried out, wrapping myself around him. He started to sob into my shoulder. "Please Damian! Don't do this to yourself! Tell me what's wrong!" I whispered into his ear. He cried a bit longer until he pulled away. I kissed his forehead.

"Please tell me what's wrong Damian!" I pleaded quietly. "I-I-I'm so sorry
(Y/N)!" He said as tears rolled down his soft cheeks. "Damian Wayne, you are loved don't ever do anything to yourself." I said holding his hand. He was sobbing into his knees, having them pulled up into his chest. "Tell me what's wrong?" I asked again. This time he nodded. I put my arm around him and rubbed circles on his back.

"Demon." He said. "What?" I asked softly. "Demon, devil, demon spawn, brat, that's what they call me." He answered, tears escaping his eyes. Suddenly it dawned onto me. It all made sense now. "Oh Damian!" I said quietly. He silently sobbed. "Damian! I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault." He answered. I squeezed him tighter. "Do you want me to give them a piece of my mind? Because I gladly will." I whispered. He shook his head. "Damian look at me." He turned and moved some of his dark hair from his eyes. I gave a small smile.

"You are non of those things. Not a demon. Not a devil. Not a demon spawn. Not a brat. You are Damian Wayne." I paused. "The guy I love." I whispered quietly. He stared into my (Y/E/C) eyes with his green ones, slightly smirking. "What was that?" He whispered, a chuckle rising in his throat.

I blushed. "N-nothing." I stammered. He raised an eyebrow. "Fine. Then you won't mind if I do this?" He asked. Before I could answer, he kissed me. His hand holding the back of my head. My head jerked back a bit in surprise. He let go and our foreheads where touching.

"Damian Wayne!" I teased him. He smirked. "What? You know you liked it." I gasped a bit. "D-d-did not!" I stuttered. He gave me a look that said, really? I looked down and glanced back up it him. He was smirking a little and his face was still red from crying, tear trails were left on his cheeks.

Jason popped his head into the room. Damian jerked his head away so Jason couldn't see his face. "Am I interrupting something?" He questioned a smile playing on his lips. I glared at him and chucked some paint brushed at him in rage. "You little piece of crap." I murmured. He dodged and left, shutting the door.

After he did Damian let a sigh followed by a sob escape his lips. "Damian? Do you need a minute?" I asked, he nodded. I left the room and shut the door. Jason stood in the hallway grinning. I glared at him and walked towards the bathroom. Once inside I shut the door and listened as Tim walked by.

"What's going on with the demon-brat?" He asked. I felt my hands clench into fists. "I dunno but he was having a secret talk with his girlfriend." Jason said suspiciously. I glared blushing a bit. "Girlfriend? Do you really think that the demon could ever get a girlfriend with his attitude?" Tim said. Alright that's it. I've had enough. I thought. I slammed open the bathroom door and walked up to them.

"Don't call him that!" I yelled at them, my face red in embarrassment and rage. They looked at me questioningly. "He doesn't like it! You know what he's been doing because of what your calling him??!! So I'll say it once again. Don't. Call. Him. That." I yelled but a bit more quietly. I walked past them into the art room. Damian threw his arms around me when he saw me.

"I don't know whether to hate you for that or to thank you." He said as I smirked. I reached my arms around his rib area as he hugged my by my neck, softly. I pulled away. And looked up at him, seeing as though he was the slightest bit taller that me.

"I never want to see you hurt." I said. He squeezed me. "Thank you... Beloved." He said. My face turned red. "You're welcome Dami."

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd that's that for now! Hope you liked! Next one should be about Dick!

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