Nightmare Dick x Reader

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This story is different than other Nightmare stories. Enjoy!

(Y/N)/ your pov

I sat on the couch waiting for my Dickie Bird to get home. Once Dick returned from patrol, I heard him go into the kitchen and grab, no doubt, some
(F/B/G)s ( favourite baked good) I had made this afternoon. He came in and plopped down on the couch. I rested my head in his lap.

"Hey princess." He said. I smiled. "Hi Dickie Bird. How was patrol?" I asked. He hesitated before answering
"...fine..." I turned to look at him. When I did I shot up. "Richard John Grayson! What the hell happened?" I yelled. He was beaten up.

He had two gun shots, multiple cuts and bruises and his shoulder was bleeding through his suit. He smiled sheepishly. "Nothing?" He responded. I glared at him. He lowered his gaze as I pulled out the first aid kit. I began to tend to his injuries.

~Time Skip brought to you by Marinette being savage

~Time Skip brought to you by Marinette being savage

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It was 1:25 in the morning when I heard Dick shout from our infirmary room. I jumped out of bed and grabbed a small dagger, I kept in my beside table for emergencies. I rushed into the room ready to defend my poor beat up Dickie Bird. But when I got there I only saw Dick lying in the infirmary bed, everything normal. Besides the fact that Dick was sweating and crying out in his sleep. I ran over to the bed. "Dick! Oh my gosh! Wake up! Richard!" I cried out. My eyes welled up with tears to see him in so much sadness and pain.

Dick's pov

Dick's nightmare

"NO!" I screamed. She gasped. The Joker stepped away from (Y/N)'s limp body on the ground. I ran over to her. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!! WAKE UP!!" I cried. I held her lifeless body in my arms. "PLEASE!" I screamed. "Don't leave me!" I whispered. "Dick?" I heard her say. I looked at her. "Hang on (Y/N)! We're going to get help! Just hang on!" She smiled a sad smile. Her hand flew to my cheek and her other to her bleeding chest. "Dick..." she gasped out. "I'm not going to make it..." She whispered. "Don't talk like that (Y/N)! You're going to be okay!" Her eyes shut and fluttered back open. "Dick listen, I have to tell you t-that." She took a ragged breath in. "I-I love you... and I'll always be with you." She whispered so quietly I could barely hear. "NO! (Y/N) please don't leave me!!" I yelled. Her eyes shut and didn't open as her heart stopped. "I love you too." I sobbed.

End of Nightmare

I shot up in bed. I breathed a ragged breath. "DICK!" (Y/N) screamed. I turned to her. Her eyes were wide and tear trails were down along her cheeks. She hugged me and I hugged back. "What happened? I was so worried Dick! I couldn't wake you!" She whispered into my ear. My eyes filled with tears as I squeezed them shut. "I-I had a nightmare." I said, hating how pathetic I sounded. She pulled back and sighed. "Tell me what happened." I took a breath and told her.

I let out a small cry at the end. "Oh my Dickie Bird!" She exclaimed, wrapping me in a hug. "I'll always be here." No matter what." I nodded as a tear from my eye fell onto her shoulder. "You have to promise me you'll always be here." She said, kissing my cheek. I kissed her forehead. "Of course (Y/N). I will always be here."

Alrighty hope you liked it! I posted a new chapter on my "Why is Love Painful?" story along with a quick note so go check it out! Plz! Thanks!

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