Bullied (Dick x Reader)

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Note: this is when Dick Grayson is about 14, is Robin and doesn't have any friends.

Dick's pov

September 30th. Great. Another day at school. Another day of being beat up. Another day of new injuries. Another day of everyone walking by me and not helping me.

I thought as I entered the building. I walked to my locker and put in the combination. I pulled out my math books and shut the locker. I hurried to class, hoping to not bump into Kaz Jones,Julian Neal and Austin Wintir. (Sorry if the names have anything to do with yours if so feel free to change them).

They bullied me and hated me. I didn't know why. I had never done anything to them. But for some reason when I entered Gotham Academy, they picked on me, called me names and beat me up. The worse part was I had no friends to stand up for me and no one ever did.

Today was no different. Once math was over they found me in the halls by my locker. "Sorry we missed you before math Dying Grayson!" Kaz said coming up behind me. "Can't you leave me alone?" I asked quietly. "What did you say circus brat?" Austin said. "N-n-nothing." I stammered as Kaz slammed me into the lockers.

I winced. He let me fall to the floor. Julian came up to me and kicked me in my side. I gripped it. He laughed. Austin picked me up by my shirt. "Look here Dying Grayson," I winced at the name. It was a play on words from, Flying Grayson. "You better have done a good job on my homework assignment for socials!" He said in my face. I nodded. Julian punched me in the gut and Austin dropped me.

They walked away. "Later Dying Grayson!" I winced at the name and the pain. I picked myself up and went to class. Not ever noticing the (Y/H/C) haired girl who stood, witnessing all my fights from September 5th, never stepping up. Until now.

(Y/N)/your pov

I watched silently from the corner of a pillar watching a black haired boy who's last name was Grayson. I didn't know his first name all I knew was that I needed to help him and I decided to do so today.

I was new at Gotham Academy and I didn't have any friends, yet. I wasn't all that shy around people, but I didn't like socializing all that much. So I kept to myself.

I walked to social studies and arrived just as the bell rang. I took my seat near the back of the room across from the boy who's last name was Grayson. Another boy named Julian one of Grayson's bullies, sat beside me. I looked away from him. "

"Hey" he said I turned to him. "Don't talk to me." I replied. He chuckled. "Whatever you say (Y/L/N)." I rolled my eyes at him. I wondered if he had a crush on me. If he did he had absolutely no chance. I was doin distracted by the teacher's lesson.

I noticed a kid named Austin again another one of Grayson's bullies, wrote something on a piece of paper than threw it at him. Grayson picked it up and read it. His face fell. He stared down at his textbook. I frowned.

I wonder what it said. Julian leaned forward and whispered something into a guy named Kaz's ear. The last Grayson bully. I glared at both of them. Kaz laughed and looked at Austin who nodded. Austin threw another note at Grayson. Grayson read it and a tear dropped down off his cheek.

My hands balled into fists. I was tired of this. I wanted to yell in all three of their faces and give Grayson a hug.

Suddenly the bell rang. I was swallowed by the students rushing out the door to the last class before lunch. I saw Grayson drop the notes in the garbage and Kaz and Austin follow him. "Later cutie." Julian said to me. I wanted to backhand him across the face but didn't. Once I reached the garbage I casually (as casual as you can be reaching into a garbage can lol) pull out the two notes. I shoved them into my pockets and walked to my locker. I had two minutes to get to science.

The bell rang as I sat down. I was at the back this time at my own desk. Like everyone else. We were reviewing for s test tomorrow. I made a mental note to study unless I felt like failing. I carefully pulled out the notes and made them a page in my book and read them.

Note #1
Hey Dying Grayson,
No one likes you and just so you know my socials didn't turn out well so look out! Your the most stupid person alive and you don't deserve to live.

Note #2
Circus brat, you know why Bruce Wayne adopted you? Because he felt sorry for the poor little orphan you are. Everyone wishes you died with your parents.

(Quick note these two notes seem horrible but they really help move the story along I'm very sorry if you're offended I apologize)

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