Batboys x arachnophobic! reader

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This oneshot was requested by -Diamynd- I hope you like it!
(Y/f/m) = Your favourite movie
Prompt: 3. "Just stop it!"

Dick: 23???
Jason: 21???
Tim: 16???
Damian: 12???
You: 10???


(Y/n)'s pov

It was to finally my turn to pick the movie for movie night.

"Alright (y/n), what'll it be?" Dick asked. Before I could answer, Jason interrupted me.

"Let me guess, (Y/f/m)?" He said sarcastically. I glared at him.

"Actually I was thinking Spiderman Far From Home (if that is your favourite movie, change it)." I replied, sticking my tongue out at Jason. Jason rolled his eyes and ignored me while Tim snickered.

"What are you laughing at you little h-"

"Jason! Language! There are children here!" I scolded, jutting my thumb at Damian. Damian just looked up and shrugged his shoulders up in an exaggerating manor.

"I give up." He mumbled. I snickered and snatched the remote who was arguing with Dick about what words he was allowed to say in front of 'children'.

Pressing the controls on the small Apple remote (it's the Batfam, they obviously have Apple TV) until Spiderman Far From Home started playing.The intro music was pretty loud so both Jason and Dick jumped in surprise. I swear I heard Jason squeal. I snickered.

~Time Skip brought to you by the fact that I'm at 83 followers!!!! **squeals**~

After some time, we had reached the art of the movie where ________________ (because spoliers are big no-no's, I won't spoil any parts for y'all who haven't seen Far From Home yet), I realized I had run out of popcorn.

"Hey guys does anyone want more popcorn or anything? I'm gonna go get more." I said, standing up.

"I'll have some coffee."

"No he won't." Dick said. " I'm have some more gummies."

"Coming right up! Jason, Damian you guys want something?" I asked. Damian nodded.

" I'll have more chocolate. " he stated. I raised an eyebrow.

"What's the magic word?" I teased. Damian groaned.

"Please." Damian finished, irritated. I smirked.

"Sure thing, how about you Jason?"

"I'm good thanks (Y/n/n)." Jason replied. I choose to ignore the nick name and go get the snacks.

"Tell me what happens while I'm gone!" I called. I made the quick trip to the kitchen and began searching the cupboards. I found a bag of popcorn. I popped in the microwave and grabbed a chocolate bar and a bag of gummies off the counter. I leaned against the counter waiting for the popcorn to finish.

I stared at the floor thinking about how much I hated waiting. My eyes travelled along the floor until I saw a horrid creature. I screamed and jumped up on the counter.

"JASON! DAMIAN! DICK! TIM! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I shouted. In a matter of seconds Jason rushed into the kitchen.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" he asked. He was in a ready stance, guns in hand as though there was a criminal in the manor.

"There's. A. SPIDER!" I shrieked, pointing at the hairy beast crawling closer to me. Jason sighed in relief and put his guns on the counter. He picked up a cup enforce of paper and easily caught the beast. Remind me to never use those cups ever again.

"This is what you're scared of?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded.

"Yes, now if you could dispose of the horrid creature that would be lovely. " I said.

"You're scared of this," Jason jutted the cup towards me, causing me to stand up on the counter. "Little guy?"

"Yes now get rid of it!" I yelled. I could feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. Unfortunately for me, Jason found this very amusing. For what felt like five hours but was actually two minutes, Jason continued teasing me until I lost it.

"Just stop it!" I exclaimed, tears starting to run down my face. Jason's face seemed to soften at the same moment Damian, Dick and Tim rushed in.

"What on earth is going on?" Damian asked, eyeing me crying on the counter and Jason with the spider.

"Jason throw away the gosh damned spider." Dick ordered. Jason did so whilst rolling his eyes. Tim and Damian hurried over to the counter where I was standing and bawling my eyes out.

"It's okay now (Y/n/n)." Tim cooed, helping get down from the counter. Damian wrapped me in a tight embrace.

"What the hell Todd?" Damian shouted. Jason rubbed the back of his neck.

"I wasn't trying to upset her, I was just teasing her." He defended. Damian rolled his eyes.

"Well go say you're sorry and give her a hug." Dick ordered Jason like a child who had fought with another child. Jason sighed and had his way over to me. Damian released me from his big while Jason squatted down to my height.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry (Y/n). I didn't mean to upset you so much." He apologised. I hugged him tightly.

"It's okay Jason, just don't do it again." I sniffed. Jason hugged me back and patted my head.

"I promise."

Okay! Done! Hope you guys enjoyed this long awaited story!

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