Summer at James's

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I woke up early as usually did, something my friends would complain about. I would always wake them up, because I was up before them and would pull some pretty funny ways to wake them up. I stretched my hands above my head a yawned. I blinked at the light flooding into my room and I looked grumpily at the opened currtens. I swung my sore legs over the side of my bed and placed my feet on the cold wooden boards. I had stayed out last night practicing my Quidditch abilities until 11:00 'o clock at night. When I got back my mother yelled at me for 45 minutes straight ending with a new bruise on my right cheek. It wasn't anything new, these scolding's usually ended with some sort of injury. My mother had been sorted into Slytherin and my father into Gryffindor, although I've never known to much about him. My one knowledge about him, comes from faint memories, trophies at Hogwarts, and being told by my teachers how he acted. I've never let anyone know that I don't have a father, or that my mother is abusive, I don't want to be babied, so I kept it to myself. I walked to my wardrobe, and changed into an outfit I had bought myself in a muggle shop I visited a few months back, which got me into loads of trouble with my mother.      

Once I had changed I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen

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Once I had changed I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mother was already up and like me was an early riser. She had a long pointed nose and dark h/c hair, like mine. From pictures I had seen I had received my fathers e/c eyes. I leaned against the counter and looked at my mother. She noticed me and scoffed.

"Good morning to you to, mum." I said. She rolled her eyes and wiped her hands on her dirty apron.

"Get off my counter. Your making it dirty. A letter arrived at 4 am, this morning addressed to you. Although I have no idea why someone would write to you." She mumbled the last part. I smirked and tried to hide the hurt that was inside me. My one wish was that she would actually love me. Actually care about me. My cheek shot a bit of pain from the bruise and turned away, not wanting my mother to see me flinching. It failed. She snickered and I just sighed.

"Thanks, mum." I said before quickly leaving the kitchen and walking to the sitting room. I immediately saw the letter sitting on the post above our dusty fireplace. I plucked it off and leaned against the post and my mood immediately perked up when I saw it was addressed from her best friend, James Potter.

I had, had a crush on James since our second year and adored everything about him. I loved his charming, mischievous smile. How he would always fluff his hair, just to make sure it didn't get to messy. How much he cared for his friends and would do anything for them, even according to one of Sirius's letters becoming animagi with Sirius and Peter. I had written to James asking him why he wouldn't let me become one as well, but he wouldn't answer. Although I had gone against his will. Over the summer I had spent all the wizarding money I had, and poured myself into figuring it out, which I had succeeded. My animagi a doe and it had taken me 2 months to do so. The one thing I had never really liked about James which was how he bullied Severus Snape one of my close friends.

I opened the letter and smiled at the contents.


I hope you've been having a good summer with your parents. It's been pretty boring without you and the mates. My parents have been keeping me in my house the whole summer. You can imagine how boring that has been. 

Anyways, I wanted to ask if you wanted to spend the rest of the summer at my place. I already owled the rest of the boys and the all said they would be there. I hope you will be able to come, the boys will drive me insane and I must confess your a good way to keep my sanity. Plus, it wouldn't be the Marauders without you. I hope you will be able to come.

With Lots of Hope,


 My heart skipped a beat when he said that it wouldn't be the Marauders without you. I set the letter down and took a spare piece of parchment and a quill and scribbled down that I would be able to come. I rolled up the parchment and silently ran up the stairs and to my room. I closed the door almost without no sound beside the slight clicking of the door setting into place. I ran to my owl and unlocked the cage. My owl was barn owl and was well behaved. His name was Apollo and he was very loyal.

 I gave him a treat and tied the letter to his leg

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 I gave him a treat and tied the letter to his leg. He nudged my hand lovingly before soaring off into the blue sky. I sat down in a chair next to the window and propped my head up with my hand, my cheek in my palm. I couldn't wait to stay with James for the rest of the summer. Though I never let it show, I hated my mother and this house. We were a very poor family and I had to buy everything I needed, except for food. Since we barely had enough to eat my younger years left me very malnourished. My friends had noticed this but I always made an excuse saying that I simply was born that way or that I had worked all my weight off. I got off the chair and began to pack my things into my school trunk. I grabbed my broom, the cheapest one the store had, and placed it next to my trunk as well. I had just grabbed my wand when my mother burst into my room holding a basket of her un washed clothing. She saw my trunk packed and myself grabbing my wand and her face dropped.

"And where do you think your going? You don't leave until September." She said looking, very annoyed at me. I looked to the ground sensing a fight breaking loose.

"I was asked to spend the rest of the summer by one of my friends and I supposed you wouldn't mind. " I said quietly. I heard my mother drop the basket she was holding and stomp towards me. Before I could react she raised her wand and pointed it at me.

"Flipendo!" my mouth said. The jinx caused me to be shot back words, with me slamming against the wall of my bed room. I landed on the ground groaning in pain. My side roared in  pain and I lifted my shirt to see a massive bruise. I cursed silently and pulled my shirt back down and didn't dare to look at my mother.

"Don't you think for one moment you have an ounce of freedom in this house! You are not allowed to enjoy your time here, if I'm not! It's your fault I'm not happy! It's your fault your father is dead!" my mother roared causing a few built up tears to slip down my face. 

"Un pack your things! Your not leaving! I'll be up here in a few moments and you'd better be un packed or else." She ordered before leaving slamming my door. I let out a small sob before standing. My side roared but I ignored it. I grabbed my wand and finished packing. I used my wand to shrink my trunk and Apollo's cage and put them in a sack. I took a deep breath and silently opened the door. I looked down the hallway and sighed when I saw no one. I closed my door and crept slowly down the stairs. Once at the bottom I pressed myself against the wall and looked around the corner. My mother was weeping on the floor clutching a picture. I couldn't help, but feel sympathy for my mother, but quickly shook off the feeling. Once I made sure she wasn't paying attention. I ran past the opening and to the front door. I quietly opened it and shut it with just the same quietness. I let out a sigh of relief and stepped away from the door.

James lived only a few towns away so I wasn't to worried about the journey. I walked silently across our front yard and into the thick forest that surrounded our house. Once I had gotten far enough away I changed into my animagi form and held the sack in between my teeth. I walked through the thick forest in silence, stopping only once to get a drink of water. After about 5 hours of walking I had made it to Potter Manor. James had sent me a photo of it, but just to make sure I checked the address he had given me. When I was sure, I hid behind a tree and changed back into my normal self. My side had only hurt worse from the journey, but I didn't care. I was to happy to spend the rest of the summer with James and the rest of the Marauders. But mostly James. As she walked up to the front door I took a deep breath and pushed the pain in my side and knocked on the door. 


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