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Chapter 1: India. 


"You change the world by being yourself"

-Yoko Ono- 



"But sir-" she cried hysterically. 

 It was not my damned fault.

 "A no is a no!" I said firmly, looking past the glassed windows to the Dubai sights. 

 "Fine!" she snarled and stormed out of the cabin.

 I set down sighing.

Why the hell did they have to be such drama queens?!

I opened my laptop and checked my mails. It had some important designs for our new project but the rest was just trash.

Just then, my phone rang. 

"Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah hi Wa Barakatuhu" I said knowing its my Daadi aka, the coolest grandma. 

"Wa alaikum Mus salaam!" came my mother's voice. 

"Ma, everything okay?" I asked her.

She never calls via my grandma's phone. 

"Yeah.... actually no. We have to leave for India, hun" she replied. 

"Is everything okay ma?" I asked her again. 

"No... Bada Abba is very sick and he wants all of us there" she said, her vice strained.

"Oh. Alright ma, when is the flight?" I asked her. 

"In two hours" she replied and hung up straight away.

How the hell am I suppose to get things sorted out in such short time.

I called in my estate manager, Madiha Ali and we went through all the details. She was great at all these. That's why she was my estate manager.

Just as I was going out of the office, I turned to Madiha.

"Ah Mads, Make sure all the es–" I started but she cut me off.

"All the estates managers must pay their credits off by Friday and if not, They are to be called personally and asked why" she said and I smiled. 

"Thank you"

"AK Just don't worry, I will keep things going... enjoy your trip, okay" she said as I set in the SUV.


I met ma and Daadi at the airport and Abba was already in Mumbai so he will return soon to New Delhi.

We boarded the plane and took off for India.

On the way, I completed The Dubai assignment.

We landed in India after about 8 hours.

"ARSHAD!!!!" someone screamed on top of their voice and soon there was alot of screaming. I turned to see my cousin, Azma screaming with all her girl friends. Oh no!

 Last time this happened in US. I went to visit my Naani and Naanu* when all these girl friends of my masi* came and the next thing I know, I am showered with all their seductive looks and flirty remarks. 

I walked behind Ma and Daadi, clearly ignoring them. When we reached them, I saw them looking at me.

I smiled at them and then we walked out of the airport. We went up to the sidewalk and stood waiting in the hot sun.

I had forgotten how the hot sun was. It was almost Asr and I wanted to pray.

"Ma, Is there a Masjid nearby that I can go pray to?" I asked.

"Ah..." she looked over to Azma and she smiled.

"Yeah-" she said "Just let me make a call to Adnan so that he can take you"

"Who's Adnan?" I asked her. She looked down and went red.

Just then her phone rang and she answered.

She walked off while talking. I knew something was up.

When she returned, she asked Ma if she wanted to look around town. But Ma was too tired and so was Daadi to do so.

The car came and all of them boarded leaving me and her.

"How are we going?" I asked her

"You will go to the Masjid first then home with Adnan and me." she said smiling

I nodded. Soon a black skyline, which I never knew could work in India, pulled up in front of us.

A tall, built guy about my age got off and walked to us.

"Salaam," He said extending his hand.

I shook it.

"Was salaam, " I replied shaking it.

"I assume you are Arshad" He said

"Adnan?" I asked.

We smiled. I knew we would get along perfectly.

"Ah I guess we should get going?" said Azma.

We nodded and walked towards the car but not in the skyline, the SUV parked in the far end.

I looked at him puzzled but he was looking at Azma who was smiling at him.

"Ahemm!" I said. Both their gaze broke to me and I continued my speech pretending I didn't know a thing. "Shall we move then?"

"Ah yeah..." said Adnan and we went off in the direction of the SUV.

We drove long roads until I spotted a huge, magnificent masjid. This is so pretty, Masha Allah.

We parked the car and got off. I looked at Azma. Girls are allowed in Masjid but I did not see any girls so maybe this masjid has no girl side.... and I wondered where she would be.

"Ah.. there is a mall pass by, I will be there since I have to get a few things for ammi and Di" She said

we nodded and then headed inside. This mosque was full of people. Maybe this is because of Jumaah.

The inside of the masjid was more prettier then outside I must say.

We did the whudhu and stood up for prayers. 


I edited this chapter just now. haha. I am so sorry, I randomly edit chapters of my books. 

I will not take down this one to edit like I did for TWMB. :) 

Happy Reading. 

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