chapter 4

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Another chapter! Okay so I am fast... not really... I ad them written down for ages.. so yeah... N'JOY!!!!!!!


After that conversation, I decided not to be there with them anymore so I went up to my temporary room  

"I think I made it clear that you can't meet them" said a strict voice

"Par mah, they are my children, my angels!" replied a soft voice

"You will get married soon, what will the people think!?" said that strict voice

I stopped at my tracks and turned to the area from which the voice was coming from. It was the terrace.

"Nai Mah, Its not about them, its about me!" the soft voice girl replied

"You dont understand, Habibi! You are a girl, you belong on the kitchen and not out there!" said the strict voice

I heard sobs as I continued to take steps to the terrace.

"Now, Dont cry and act as if everything is normal! Elder sir's son is here and also the other one. So please be good and not yourself! Behave and do as I say. Okay?' said the strict voice

I heard sobs

"I asked OKAY?' said the strict voice

"Yes' said the soft voice.

"Good, now I am going, come downstairs for dinner' said the voice and walked I assume towards me.

I had to hide. I saw a bush and hid there. I can't believe this, a bush IN the house!!!

That woman walked past me as if I was non existant.

I got up, careful not to attract any more people, and walked back up the terrace.

As soon as I reached there, I saw a hooded figure sitting overlooking the sunset skies.

"Are you okay?' I asked her.

"Who are you?' she questioned  

"Arshad?' I said more like questioned  

"Arshad who?" she asked but she didnt turn.

"Are we playing that game... I asked you if you were okay?' I said.

"Why are you asking?' she said

"Why do you question? Just answer!' I said

'Why do YOU question?' she asked

 "Hmmmmmmmmm" I said as I leaned on the pole pipes."Why are you crying?

' As you wish!' I said and walked out.

I went up to my room and prayed magrib. After Magrib, I searched the maps for this place and finally found it.

I studied this area and it was surprising that it didn't have a school although it had a hospital. It also had good construction areas. cool... Its marketing was good.

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