Chapter 9

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By the afternoon, I was convinced that I will go mad if I stay here any longer.

Firstly, Ammi kept nagging me about any girl she came by.

Then Ahaya kept irritating the heck outta me.

Thirdly (Ahaya was the second one) there were kids everywhere! Not that I don't love them, I adore kids but the fact that they kept running around the house.

Like right now I am sitting downstairs after Zuhr with Ammi and Badi Ammi who are selecting clothes.

"No, the green one is pretty!" said Ammi but daadi, who came in from no where with choti ma and Masi said yes.

"No, the blue is prettier on you" said badi Ammi to Masi who was looking at them.

"Yeah..  it matches those shoes and hijab you bought the other day!" said Ammi.

"Oh yeah!" said Daadi.

I just set in the middle of these women and listened to them since the first time I asked permission to go, I was humiliated. Like hell.


"Mah, can I be permitted to take a leave please?" I asked Ammi

Badi Ammi and badi daadi Mah who were present there literally asked me why.

"Why son, do you like a girl wirl in mind?" asked Badi Daadi.

She was my grandpa's elder brothers wife. Badi daadi.

"My sexy Daadi mah," I said "I don't think there is a girl as pretty as you!"

"Awwww!" she replied and Ammi laughed.

"So when are you getting married?!" asked Badi Ammi.

"Ah I think I wanted permission to leave?" I said

"What, so that We see your illegimate child here and there?" said badi daadi. yup she was a bomb dropper.

I felt heat rush to my face. Damn.


There that was why I did not take permission to leave.

"Ah badi daadi!" said a all to familiar voice

I turned to Ahaya's direction from the kitchen.

"What happened?" asked ammi.

"Can anyone get the spices from the top shelf. I can't reach them!" she said in dismay.

Badi ammi looked at me.

"Arshad, since you can not do any good with grand child's, please go help her!" said Badi Daadi.

I got up smiling.

"But daadi, you already have grandchildren!!!" I said laughing as I strode towards the kitchen.

I looked towards Ahaya. In her purple dress and black skinnies with of course purple sneakers and hijab , she looked nice.

She pointed towards the top shelf.

I went and easily got it with my tall body.

I gave it to her.

'"Thank you" I said looking at her.

She looked at me with that hazel eyes.

"For what?" she asked me

while putting the spices in its correct containers.

"For saving me out there" I replied

"I didn't... I needed help and you seemed free" she said with a mare shrug of shoulders as she moved to the refrigerator.

I was so glad the kitchen was separate by the doors and a huge tinted counter. From top to bottom, with only little space for passing food and things.

I took an apple and set on the kitchen island.

"Oh please! Everyone knows you are tall enough to reach that shelf." I said as I took a bite off my apple.

She stood by the stove and grinned widely.

"Well, someone's been noticing me a lot?!" she said smirking.

I could feel the heat raise up to my neck.

"Ah no actually, your sneakers make you tall!" I said as i got off and walked out of the kitchen.

I went outside to see the views. Its been only 3 days here and I was so busy that I did not have time to see the views.

There was mountains behind the house. well the view was mountainous.

The evening skies were...... glittering with joy..... colours.... alot.... I walked out of the fence and towards the village. That reminded me that Ammi had to got to the village today.

I walked over a bridge that was on a river, then into the village market.

It was small but amazing..... the bangles and all. I realized it was almost asr (evening prayer). I walked more inside.

There was a mosque nearby. It was small but as usual pretty.

I walked towards the mosque and took off my sneakers and bands.

Allah hu akbar allah hu akbar
(Allah is great,  Allah is great)

The adhaan started and I felt a familiar pain in my chest that to Allah we belong and to him we shall return.

I went inside and did my whudbu.

After that I joined the rest of the men for prayers.

After prayers, everyone started going but I set there.

I made a silent prayer.....

Ya Allah please forgive my past,  present and future sins
Ya Allah, Indeed you are the greatest
Please give ease to gaza people
Ya Allah you are the most merciful so please grant mercy upon every human being.
Ya Allah guide me and my family to your path,  the right path
Ya Allah please forgive my ammi and abba for all their sins, please grant them long lives, please grant them good health, please grant them happiness, Please grant them patience for they took care of me as a child,
Ya Allah please grant those in bad heath,  good health
Ya Allah please grant every dead brother and sister Jannah,
Ya Allah Ya Allah please accept this dua as you are the most beneficent and merciful.  Please grant my dua.....  Ameen...

Laillaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasul ullah
(Allah is one and Muhammed (S.A.W) is his messanger)

With those words I placed my hands on my face and kissed them as a sign of the completion of my prayers.

"Son!?" said an old man as he pressed my shoulder. I looked up to him and smiled

"Why are you crying?" he asked me

I touched my face and indeed they were wet from my tears.

I smiled at him.

"Happiness is that when you cry in you prayers in front of Allah without even knowing!" I said as I stood up.

He looked stunned.

"Allah Hafiz" I said as I walked out of the mosque. Just then I realized again that I had to go see an eye specialist before coming to India! Great!!!

I called up Madiha.

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