chapter 18

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"What about you?" Ammi asked me but I remained silent. 

"arshad... calm down" she said

I did not speak.... I was in alot of emotions and whenever I speak in emotions.. something goes wrong. 

"arshad its okay... emotions are normal" she replied

"Um.. ah" i said but she cut me off. 

"I know.... did you tell Ash?" she asked

I thought she was asking Fawaad 

"Arshad! Did ou confess to Ash?" she asked me again

I looked up at her in a puzzled face

"Wh would I confess to her?' I asked 

"Coz if you don't how will she know, you like her?" asked ammi leaving me in utter shock

"What the hack?!!" i said as Fawaad looked at me in horror. 

Oh damn...

Chapter 14

"No ammi, no!" I said "you have got all your figures wrong!" 

"No I have not! You like her and thats final!" she said sternly

Can Ammi get any impossible? YES! 

"No Ammi, Its not final! I do nt like her!" I said trying my best to calm her from screaming in happiness

"No stop lying!" she said excitedly looking at me and Fawaad. 

I glanced at Fawaad who came to my rescue. 

"Masi, Masi calm down! He does not like Ahdia!" said Fawaad to Ammi

"güzel bir anne, onu sevmiyorum (beautiful mother, I do not like her!)" I said in Turkish. My mom was not turkish but it was her fave language so she made me and Fawaad take them and a bunch other. 

she looked up. 

"what do you mean?" she asked back in Arabic

Shoot.. shes switching languages!

I looked at Fawaad. He nodded. 

I walked to my ammi and set by her. 

'AMMI" I sighed 

She looked at me. 

" i do not like Ash.. Fawaad does" I said to her "Your assumptions were not wrong just switched!" I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously

Her eyes lit up.

"Fawaad!!" she ran and hugged him. I remebered how small she was compared to our bodies!

"So who is yours?" asked Ammi releasing Fawaad. 

I looked downa and blushed.

"Ahaya" said Fawaad as I heard ammi squeal and hug me.

'Today I have found my two pretty brides!!!" she said "Can't wait to tell everyone!"  

"Ammi NO!" I said 

She turned and looked at me

"why?" she asked looking at me to Fawaad and back to me

" " I stuttered

"He means to say, he wants this wedding to finish.." said Fawaad grinning with AMMI

"Yeah... sorta" I said looking down. 

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