chapter 16

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"You look... amazing!" breathed Ammi when she saw me. I was wearing an unusual thobe with my black skinnies. I was forced to wear the pants that came with it but... I declined. It was too hot for me to handle. Yeahh...

I looked at myself in the bedroom full length mirror. I was wearing what my Ammi called "Kurta" with my black skinnies. 

"what in the world are you wearing?" asked my ammi who was surprising still here

"What?" I asked her

"No skinnies allowed!" she pointed to my legs. Oh damn. "Take them off and put up the pants and shawl that came with it now! and the come downstairs!" she commanded

I tried to explain but.. she declined walking like the lady of the house! 

I sighed as I changed back. I once again did a double take in the mirror. 

I was wearing a bluish green Kurta that was designed nicely I must say with cream skinnies type pants and cream shawl. I let the shawl on my shoulder as I put on my perfume. 

My hair was dark brown, much like my ammi's, that was styled with gel was spikes up to one side and the sides were short. My haircut was always professional. 

I smiled at my reflection. At least all those workout has paid off. My eye was different grey with light brown rims, perfect match for my clothes. I wore the white no lace shoes and took my cell phone. 

Fawaad walked out wearing a black kurta with white pants and shawl. He was the short hair dude. His hair and eyes matched perfectly. He was perfect! 

"Done?" I asked him smiling

He nodded as he put on my perfume (he never uses his!) and then we walked downstairs. 

"Looking hot bro!" he remarked smirking

"Puh lease!" said another voice behind me

I turned to see Madiha standing behind me in her long dress. Madiha was tall but i think her heels had made her alot taller. Wonder how tall is bhai now?

"Why?" asked Fawaad. 

"Cos Adeel looks better" she replied smirking and walked off. 

"Its okay, she's just teasing you!" i replied calmly 


"Okay uh huh and okay alright!" said Ammi on her phone. 

"Okay so... shall we begin?" asked Badi Mah

There was a stage set in the middle with a swing and all decors. It was a pretty site! 

suddenly slow music started to play. I looked up the hall stairs. (this house actually has a hall!)

"Masha allah!" I whispered under my breath

My lovely sister was coming down with Masi, Madiha and some other girl. 

She was wearing a long full length green and pink kameez* with her hijaab of the same color styled. She looked simple but elegant. Just amazing! Her part rotuman face and skin color added more elegance to her attire. She was indeed pretty Masha Allah!

She walked and set in the centre of the stage. 

Soon everyone was clapping and going to meet the girl of the night. 

Ammi came to me and smiled at both of us. 

She kissed the foreheads of the two of us and grinned widely. 

"Masha allah my boys have grown up so much! Make sure I see my daughter-in-laws by the end of this wedding!" she said and winked at us. I blushed deep red. 

"Aww... stop blushing you two and go set up and mic and all for today's programme! You have to start ASAP!" ammi said as Masi called her. My ammi today looked.. young! like in her mid 20's! 

"Okyyy!!' I said as i made my way to the DJ and took the mic. 

The game is about to begin!

"Ahem ahum...  " I said in the mic

All attension turned to me.  I smirked. 

"As salamu alaikum and a very good evening to you all!" I said smirking. 

I put on my wireless mic piece in my ear and walked off. 

"We gladly and most graciously welcome you all to the mehndi nite of our lovely sis,  Azma Uzma Khan!" said Fawaad from near the stage. 

Yeahh...  We were the host. 

"Tonight we will have alot of fun activities,  for kids as well as adults" I said as they enjoyed in the things provided. 

"As for kids....  We have musical chairs and other fun things in the play room outside!" said Fawaad

"And parents?  They are under proper and professional nursery supervision" I said

Soon all kids were running out and adults were walking around talking and laughing. 

I nodded to Fawaad. 

Lets get the games started. 

Our first game was the couples dance. 

The best couple who can dance up to the beat wins.  But these beats were slow high and low so...  U know "juiced up game" as i called it. 

"Okay so all couples please make your way to the dance floor!" I said

They were confused but then Fawaad explained the rules. 

Soon all of them were here. 

I walked to the DJ and he played the slow rhythm. 

To be honest i did not want all this things but as you know my ammi so yeah...  Bear wid me... 

Something caught my eye as the slow rhythm played. 

I looked up and a beauty walking down caught my eye. 

Ya Allah....  Masha Allah.... 

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