chapter 26

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"Arshad, beta get down here as soon as you get freshed okay" said ammi. 

Currently we were at home. All of our family and all of them were really happy. 

"Okay Ammi!" I said as I searched the place for a familiar face of Ahaya

"And she is not here!" whispered Azma who had come home today with Adnaan. 

I blushed hard and sped-walked up the stairs to my room. 


"No wait till he hears the news!" said ammi laughing with NZ Fufi, masi, Daadi  mah, Badi mah and Azma. 

"hears what? and who is this he?" i asked as I appeared in front of them

All of them went silent. 

"We were just talking about- Fawaad!" said Azma and the rest nodded. 

"Okay!" i replied not clearly believing what they told me. 

I walked out to the courtyard where men were sitting. 

Abba, Bade abba, NZ fufa, Faraan uncle, Adeel, Aheel, Fawaad, Talha, Rehaan and Adnaan were scattered everywhere in various groups. 

I went and set beside Talha bhai who gave me a bear hug. 

"Wazz upz?" he asked me ruffling my wet hai and then he cried in annoyance,

"What thehack bro! Wet hair with gel?" he asked me as I laughed

"No need to ruffle my hair and no, its just wet hair and olive oil leh!" I explained to him. 

"Gross bro!" he said as Rehaan, Fawaad and Adnaan laughed with Adeel and Aheel. 

"No really Olive oil is good for hair!" explained Aheel while me and Adeel nodded. 

The rest looked.... shocked. 

"Boys come here!" screamed bade abba and we obeyed him like good children. 

i went and set on the hand rest of the sofa on which ammi was sitting. 

"Where are Ahdia and Ahaya?" asked Abba. 

I turned around to search for her lovely face but I could not see her. 

"We are here, bade abba!!!" boomed in her cheery voice. 

"Oh my lovely daughters! Come here please!" said abba

Ahaya had changed and was now wearing a white top that said "Keep calm and love Harry Potter" (Yup she is nerdy!) and a long blue skirt with blue hijaab. She looked pretty though. 

"Arshad... my bro, stop checking her out, she has respect!" whispered Talha bhai. His speech made my eyeballs pop out! I was so not checking her out! That is so gross!

"Arshad beta" said ammi when the two sisters were seated by abba, one on each side. 

"Yes ammi?" i asked looking up to her from the floor. 

"Today I, no we-" said ammi holdin gup masi's, uncles and abba's hand, they were all liked- "We want our sons married ASAP!" she said

Okay that shocked me. I turned to Fawaad who was staring at them like he has seen a ghost. 

"But Masi, mom- Talha bhai, Rahaan bhai are all oder then us! They are to be married first!" said Fawaad

"Ohh bhai!" said Talha bhai "I am already married huh!" he continued and showed Fawaad his left wedding finger. 

He had a thick wedding band that was the combination of three small stripes. The first one was black with silver studs, the second was silver with black studs and the last one was black with silver studs. Masha allah it was pretty! 

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