Chapter 8

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As soon as I reached up to my room I answered the call.

"As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah hi wabarakatubu, Arshad Khan speaking" I said.

"Mohammed Arshad Uzayr Khan when I call you, ALWAYS ANSWER!" screamed a familiar voice

I was startled. Why did she call so damn suddenly!?!!

"Why did you call?" I said coming to the point.

"AWWWW..... I am good and how are you!?" she said sarcastically.

"What do you want?!?!!!" I said sighing

"Fine!" she said giving in.

"I wanna know everything about Naqeebah Ahaya Luqmaan. I wanna know everything about her!" she said fiercely.

"Ah now what did that poor soul do to you?" I asked her

"ALOT!" she said angrily.

"Okay why do you want me to do it? you could easily get people to do it for you by your manipulative skills" I said, my lips twitching slightly.

"Oh you know..... just the fact that if you don't do it, you know what will happen" she said.

"Why are you such a......." I said

"Call me whatever you want..... but I want to know everything about her!" she said

"FINE!!!" I replied in frustration.

"You better be serious!" she said

"What do you mean?" I asked her clearly frustrated

"Oh you know.." she said seductively.

Damn I hated girls who did that! No respect at all....

Before she could speak I cut the damn call.

I sighed as blood pounded in my head. How could I fulfil her wishes?

A knock came on the door followed by my Ammi's entrance.

"Arshad?" she said

"Salaam Ammi" I said

"Arshad You okay?" She asked me

"Yes Ammi, I am fine!" I said as she put her hand on my forehead.

"Ya Allah, Your forehead is hot as a boiler!" she said

"Ma It will be fine soon! I just need some rest..." I said as I held her shoulder.

"Okay but by dinner if you are not okay, We are going to a doctor!" she said

I hated hospitals. It was a thing in me. Hating hospitals. Damn.

I sighed in defeat.

"Okay" I said smiling.

She smiled victoriously and walked out of my room gracefully.

"Be down for lunch hun" she shouted over her shoulder as she walked out closing the door behind her.

I set on my bed thinking about the call. I had to tell Abba about it.

I got up and flipped my laptop open.

I took out my Sighania comapny projests and started working on them.

But my mind kept travelling to the name she said.... Naqeebah Ahaya Luqmaan. I feel I know her.... but.... I didn't know who she was..... hmmmm....

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