chapter 19

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"Arshad?" said a voice behind me. 

I turned to see the one I thought I would never see! Just great! 


I turned to glare at him but immediately smiled. I did not want to ruin my sisters wedding! 

"Long time no see!" he said 

I laughed. 

"Just busy" I replied 

He was Kadeer Taha, proud owner of K.T Group of industries and my known rival since what? grade 1!

Kadeer had the passion for soccer but I always took the titile away, he did sports, I took it away as it was my skills. He tried to be better than me but failed miserably. Lets jut say he was that spolt brat of his parents who hated me more than anything! 

"Fancy seeing you here!" he said smirking

I looked aorund. I was surrounded by family and friends and here he was, asking me that question! 

"Yeah.. did not expect you in India, let alone this village!" I said to him. 

Just then Mr. Cargill, a client of my abba's came and greeted me and went away. The look on Taha's face was... amazing!

"Oh yeah that... just-" He stated but was cut off by Ash

"Kadeer?" she said in utter shock

"Ashnah! How are you?" asked Kadeer in surprise. 

How did they know each other

"Um excuse me Arshad.. but can I talk to you Kadeer for a sec please!" she said looking at me then to him and then literally dragging him away. 

I sighed. 

"Why the loud sigh for?" asked a sweet scented voice

I laughed knowing its Ahaya

I turned and just stared at her. she looked even more amazing in the moon light. Hey eyes sparkled and her smiled was contagious. I smiled.. see what I mean!

I turned to look at the stars above. 

"Its beautiful isn't it?' she said 

I nodded. I oculd not have believed my mouth to say a word. 

I looked at her. she was smiling at herself. I stared at her. Long enough for her to look at me and smile. 

I turned away.

'Oh what is my baby doll doing outside?' said a voice beside me. 

i turned my eyes. 

I cannot believe my eyes right now. I need my glasses. Damn. 

"Ammm?" I asked looked at Ahaya who was looking down. 

Kadeer had his arms around her and his head on her shoulders. 

i felt anger boil in me. 

"Get you hands off her!" I said in between gritted teeth. 

Ahaya looked up in shock. 

"I said get your hands off!" I growled

'Look Arshad... he-" said Ahaya

"stay out of this!" I said to her. 

"no, I am her lawfull husband!" said kadeer smirking at me. 

What? How is this possible? She did not have any wedding ring! For gods sake,s he had her name said as Miss Ahaya!

I looked up at her. she nodded quitely. 

i turned to my heels and marched in the house. Lucky they had done all the activities and now the bride had to leave!

All of them hugged her and it was my turn. 

I hugged her and she held me tight. 

"I am sorry!" whispered Azma. 

I gave her a puzzled look but she stroked my cheek nad told me to take care as she smiled and set in the Black Aventador. 

I turned as soon as the "baraat" was out of the view and sprinted to my room. 

I knew all the cleaning up will be done tomorrow so I changed, bathe and jumped on my bed hoping to sleep. 

I said my Isha prayers after realizing I had missed alot of prayers coz of the wedding. I felt so giulty of it. 

After Isha, I prayed two rakaat nafil* prayer and asked Allah for his mercy and guidence. 

I then again jumped on my bed and played the audio of the Quraan from my ip[od as I plugged in my ear piece. I listened to sural al Nisaa and its translation. 

I wanted Ahaya back but then a hadith of our beloved propher Mohammed (S.A.W) came to my mind. i had read it in my hadith collections. 

English Reference: Book 28, Hadith 1

Arabic Reference:Book 28, Hadith 1094

"Yahya related to me from Malik from Mohammad Ibn yahya Ibn Habban from al- Arajfrom Abu Hurayra that the messenger of Allah, May allah bless hima nd grant him peace, said "Do not ask for a woman in marriage when another muslim has already done so" 

(Adopted from malik'd Muwatta- Hadith collection)

So since Kadeer had already done so, I may as well step back. 

I rewind the voice of Azma. 

I am sorry! She said 

why did she say that? Did she know about me? About Ahaya? 

i fell on my head and slowly I felt my cheeks go wet. 

Whaattt?? Why am I crying over a small thing!?!!! I thought

"No its not small.... the love of your life was just announced Married and you be happy? no way!" said Talha's voice in my head. 

I hated times like this! 


His thoughts made me cry more! The way he left.... why? 

I felt the rooms door open. I shut my eyes and pretended to sleep. The lights were out and my ipod'd light was switched off. 

'I htink he is asleep!" said Ash's voice

"I wake him up?" asked cheeky Zaheed. 

'let him sleep... he must be tired!" said another voice i could not recognise. 

"But Masiii!!!" said Ash's voice and I knew it was Badi maah. 

'ash.. lets go!" she said as my rooms door closed shut,. 

i opened my eyes. I bet my face was red and eyes were bloodshot colour. 

I closed my eyes tight shut. 

"NO NO NO!" she screamed 

I opened my eyes. Why was it all coming back! 

I set on my bed thinking. Why now?

"Thats coz you have never been hurt like this after the incident!" said a voice in my head

He was right.. nothing like it ever happened! 

I sighed and leaned on my wall for support. 

I closed my eyes reciting Ayatul Kursi. 


Baraat- wedding procession. 

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