Chapter 13

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"What?" I asked Fawaad as I entered the room, my room. We are sharing it as usual.

"Am... who was she?" how asked straight forwardly
"Ahaya" I replied searching for my towel.

"So you like like her?" he asked handing me my towel.

I stopped on my tracks

Oh uoohh.... I don't like her! Right?

"No," I replied as I entered the bathroom.


"So hows life?" I asked Fawaad as I set on my bed. He was lying on my bed with his arms stretched out under his head.
He was thinking.

He did not answer me. Assuming he did not hear me i asked him again.

After 3 times, I shook his whole body.

"Woahhh!!!" He said as he got up and set on the bed.

"I was talking to you for the past 5 minutes, and you were lost in your world!" I told him

"Am... sorry" He said looking down at his hands.

"Fawaad what happened?" I asked him

"Nothing bhai!" he replied smiling at me. Hus smile was forced.

"Fawaad Raahat Khan, what happened?" I asked

He sighed.

"Am... you remember Dr. Cranky?" he asked "The one I told you about?"

Yeah.... there was this family doc of his whom he called cranky. Never met her but she seemed pretty klutz to me.

"Yeahh" i said

"Wrll.... am... for the past two weeks.... the reason why I did not call was her" he said looking down.

"Explain" I said to him

"Wel.... it was Monday when she came home and the next thing I know, I was smiling at her. When she approached me I went blank, like couldn't think well and all. It was okay afterwards. It was like I lost confidence and I am one guy who never looses that!" he said

I nodded for him to continue.

"Soon all I could think of was her. Her smiles, her way of speaking, the way she laughed and her eyes...." he said lost in his thoughts.

"Ahemm'' I said as I cut him off.

"Oh.... then these feelings grew on me the more I denied her. I knew I might be falling for Dr. Crazy but I ignored it and thats what my mistake was...... I go all nuts around her, I could not talk to mom and all.... and my idiotic brothers love her sooo much they call her every now and then for family time and as usual I can't escape it!" he sighed.

"So whats the problem? You like her, tall Masi and bam... you will be married soon!" I said smiling.

"Riiighhhttt..... problem a- my mom is matchmaking her with better guys... Problem b- You know  NZ Masi? Yeah his son Adil is coming to see her! Soon they would be married i am sure and me? all alone!" He said

"Chill out bro! Allah does everything for a reason" I said as I laid on my pillow.
Soon we drifted off to sleep.


I snuggled close to my pillow.

"Both of you get up!" said someone pulling my covers down.

I hate it. Ways to die: Disturb my sleep and eventually I will kill you! (There are many other ways to die when with me)

"Go away" murmured Fawaad.
"Get your azzes up or else–" said another voice.

Soon there were 7 or 8 voices yelling in my room.

I jumped up and set on my bed.

I rubbed my eyes and opened it wide.


"What the–' said Fawwad beside me

There were these nut coszins of mine with Madiha ana Masi and Azma and... AHAYA!!!

I immediately looked down at my body. Well I had a vest on at least.

"What on earth are you people doing here!?!!" I asked them.

"Well.... salaam to you too ANK" said Mads.

"Mads what are you doing here!?!!" I asked her in annoyance.

"See you of course!" she laughed. I wonder how my bro survives with her.

"Shut up" I said to her 

I got off and walked to the bathroom but before I entered I shouted to them.

"You all better be outside before I come out or else!"

With that I walked into the bathroom like a boss!


"Am Arshad beta, whats wrong?" Asked maasi smiling.

"Yea tell her!" said Azma giggling.

"Fawaad, Arshad, what is going on?" asked ammi.

Fawaad looked down and I looked away.

"Okay boys is this about a girl?" asked ammi

That was it. I got up and Fawaad followed my actions and soon we were outside in the SUV trying to get away.

Damn its.... gonna be a long day....

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