Bonus Chapter- Fawaad- part 1

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Okay so this chapter is on Fawaad's point of view on his whole life. Its basically tells his tale from the time he liked Ahdia till the birth of his daughter. Its like he is retelling the whole story about his life... ;) It has alot of flashbacks so please bear with me... ;) oh and its devided into two parts..... this is one... the next one will be up soon!  


Fawaad's P.O.V

i was born to an italian father and a muslim mother. My father's family resided in Italy and i would be wrong if I said my mom did not get along. She did. In fact my dad's whole family loved her. I was born in Rome, Italy, the city of Romance. Since childhood, my parents taught me about Islam and raised me like a muslim. when i was 12, my ammi and abba as I had started calling them, decided to move to Dubai, in UAE as my ammi's whole family was there. 

At first I did not want to move as I loved Italy more and the idea of leaving htis would be totaly outrageous. But I guess Allah had something else in plan for me. 

When I met Arshad bhai in Dubai, he was 13 and Talha bhai was 17. We started spening most times together as ammi and abba had work so Masi took care of us all. Then the tragedy of Talha bhai had left us all shocked but nevertheless we continued our lives. That tragedy had left Arshad and me alone so we became more then ever so close. 

On my 18th birthday we even had the same necklaces with our name letters on it that was supposed to be in our neck full time. I still smile at those memories. 

Everything was fine until my ammi grew sick one day. I was almost 19 and just before my birthday, ammi became sick. We called a doctor and that was when Ahdia made a grand enterance in my life. 


"Fawaa, the doctor will be here soon so keep alert!" said abba 

I nodded and sprinted downstairs when i heard the door bell. 

I opned the door and a body flopped in front of me. I stood there staring at the body that was covered from head to toe. 

she had on a green hijab, white dress and black jeans with black boots.

She looked up and the first thing i noticed was grey eyes. 

She stumbled up and stood straight infront of me. 

"Yes, how can I help you?" I asked her

"You alled in a doctor?" she asked 

"Yes but a general practice doctor not a phycologist" I replied looking at her 

She looked.... disordered. 

She gave me a glare and walked in, her boots tapping on the floor tiles. 

"Ah.. i really think we should call another doctor!" i said to abba once we entered the room

"Why?" she asked 

"Ah... because... you fell down..." i said to her

I mean come to think of it, which doctor is so klutz to fall infront of people! 

"Hey gravity pulls okay!" she said as she checked up my ammi

Abba and ammi laughed but did not speak. 

"Fawaad, please let the doctor alone!" said ammi 

I nodded. 

My cousins, that is, my aunts kids from US had come to live with us so I decided to see them. We usually don't get along but I decided to actually make peace with them for a change. 

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