chapter 37

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Hehehehe....  Another chapter...  :) 
N joy...  And Jazak Allah for 21K reads!!  :) 

"Bhai, today evening at the Lerenzo Hotels, your reception!" said Fawaad once I was downstairs. 

Lerenzo Hotels are owned by Fawaads father.  Leranzo Khan.  An italian muslim.

"Hmm and when are ammi and abba coming?" i asked him

"They will be here at around midday" he replied 

"K.. and wait-" I said as I turned to Ahaya

She was buzy talking to Mrs. Fella and Ahdia. 

"Ahaya?" I said to gain her attention

"Yeah?" she asked looking at me

"Have you picked out clothes for tonight?" I asked her

"Not to worry, its with Madiha bhabhi!" said Ahdia

"Did someone say my name??" came in Madiha bhabhi's voice

I turned to see Madiha bhabhi, Talha bhai with Neha and Rehaan bhai along with Ruhi bhabhi all standing there. 

"Salaam bhai!" i said getting up to greet him. 

"Was salaam! So how was your flight?" he asked me and Ahaya

"Good and how was yours?" I asked him

"Good if you don't count paparazzi climbing on me asking way too many questions!" he replied as he entered the house

"Your room awaits!" I sang as I walked to Rehaan bhai to greet him

"Salaam bhai!" i said as I hugged him

"Was salaam! So hows married life?" he asked wiggling hie eyebrows. 

I smiled,  avoided his questions and then walked to the dining hall to have breakfast. 

Madiha bhabhi and Talha bhai went up to their room to change, Rehaan bhai went to his room to change and Neha and Ruhi bhabhi went to the guest room to change. 

Yeah they have their rooms here....

"Bhai, you want the press conference-" said Fawaad

"Fawaad, i have secretaries to do that! You be my bro and chill" I siad 

"And besides today night the wedding will be official to the world so no probs!" I siad 

"Okay and-" he said but i held my hand up and said "Na-ah no speaking!" 

He smiled

we ate up the breakfast and I asked Ahaya to get some sleep as yesterday was a long night and today she did not get any sleep either. 

"Arshad I have-" she said as we walked upstairs to my room

"No Ahaya, you need sleep!" I said 

"I know but I am no-" she said 

"You are going to sleep!" i said to her pulling her up the spiral stairs but she did not move

"What now?" i whined

"I do not want to sleep!" she stomped her foot her a 5 year old kid

"You coming or else-" i said taking a threatening step forward. 

"Or what?" she asked her hands on her hips

"Or this!" I said and scopped her little body in my arms. 

she gasped in surprise and shock and wrapt her hands around my neck to prevent from falling 

"See everytime you do not do what I say-" I said as she wiggled to get out of my arms "I will do something intimate to you! Like this!" I said as i kissed her cheeks. 

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