chapter 29

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Morning lights shone in my room waking me up from my deep sleep. I slept out after Fajr prayer. I pulled my covers on me. I did not want to wake up, at least not now!

My phone rang beside me and my whole bed vibrated. 

I lazily picked it up and set on my bed. 

"Hello!" I said in my sleep voice

"Mr. Khan, I think we all know its time to wake up!" said Ahaya's voice on the other line completely waking me up

"" I stuttered

"Just get ready, everyone is waiting for you and Talha bhai to get ready and have breakfast!" she said

"Where are you exactly?" I asked her smiling as I got up and walked to my closet to get my clothes out. 

"In the kitchen, making pancakes for myself and helping in breakfast!" she replied

"So how come you are talking to me?" I asked her

"Bluetooth leh!" she replied in the duh tone. 

I smirked

"Okay let me bath and I will come downstairs and wait-" I said "Make me pan cakes too!" 

"K, bye" she replied and hung up. 

I smiled and went inside the bathroom to bath. 


"Ahaya beta, please give me the butter" said ammi

"Ahaya beta, please pass him the carrot soup!" siad badi masi 

Ahaya this, Ahaya that! Everything required her to be there leaving me to sit there doing nothing. 

"Arshad! stop playing with your food!" said ammi looking at me sternly

I was eating cereal with milk, not exactly, I was more of playing with them. I did not get pan cakes because Ahaya ws Too buzy for me!

I sighed as I ate my cereal.

"Arshad?' said ammi

I looked up to her. 

"Swetheart we have to go shopping today!" she siad as abba and the rest nodded. 

"Ammi, you people go, I need to clear all my pending work!" I said 

"No, we need to buy you two rings and then look for wedding cards and then select venues and what not!' she sighed. 

"Fine" I siad "Let me just get ready"


In the end, after so much convincing, Madiha Bhabhi, Ammi, abba, Talha Bhai, Ahaya and I went shopping. 

we entered the city and the heatness welcomed me again. 

"Damn hot!" said Talha bhai

I nodded and agreed. 

First we went to the jewellary shop to select rings for me and Ahaya

I set on the chair and put my head in my hands as I stared at the people. So buzy doing things. 

"Stop staring, its not good!" said Ahaya

I turned to her and smiled. 

"What?" I asked her when I saw her staring at me

"Nothing.. just thinking" she replied

"Thinking what?" ia sked her as I turned my chair to face her. 

"Life.. you now how we never thought we would meet and all that.." she said 

"yeah.... and definately not thought that I would fall for a girl this way!" I admitted as she blushed

I stared at her deep brown eyes. 

"Ahem...ammm..... shall we check the rings" said Madiha bhabhi cutting our convo. 

I looked down and she told us to come with her. 

We walked tot he end of the shop and set on the chair near the counter displaying various rings. 

"abba, can't we order from dubai?" I asked him

"i knew it so I choose this shop!" said Abba proudly "They are Dubai dealers. Just choose the sample and ring will be made!" 

I smiled

"Ahaya, beta, choose one!" said ammi

Ahaya looked at her and then at me with a worried expression. 

"Chill and choose!" I said 

"Ahh.... that one.." she said pointing to a silver with black ring. 

"Excellent chioce ma'am... there ar two of the black diamond rings with us... only one piece of each is made..." said the sales man

It was a silver ring that was divided into 2 on each line and crossed each other at the top. There was a line of black each side at the top goin in different directions and there was a diamond stud on the top. It was pretty. 

"Ahaya try it.. if it fits, its yours!" said Abba

She tried and Masha Allah it fit perfectly

"That is taken!" said Madiha Bhabhi smiling. 

"Arshad, you choose!" said Talha bhai who was taking photos. 

"Amm.. cna I see the other black diamond ring?" I asked and the sales man nodded

He gave me a ring that was hack too pretty to be described! 

It had the black diamond design and simple. It was a combination of silver diamonds with black diamonds. I loved it!

"I want this!" I said as I put aside the rings. 

"Wait- check if it fits you" said abba and pushed the ring into my finger. It fit perfectly too. 


"great.. now we have to get the cards!" said Madiha bhabhi as she, ammi and Ahaya walked together towards the card shop. 

 "Abba, how long?" I asked 

"BAout another hour and then we will go home..." said Talha

"Can't we take all the samples home and see there... everyone's opinion will be needed" I suggested hopiong they would agree

"Actually not a bad idea!' piped in Ammi who I had no idea was listening to my conversation

"Great so you people go get the card and I wait here?" I asked

"Amm... no... ammi and abba go while we wait here!" said Talha and the rest agreed

we stood in the hot effing sun while Talha bhai was in a romantic mode with Madiha bhabhi

I sighed as I took out my phone. 

"I am still alive!" said Ahaya beside me

"Why is your country's sun so effing hot!?!" I asked her

"Becasue.... i really don't know!" she replied and soon we were talking laughing at almost everything. 

"Well, what is up with you too?" asked Ammi when she came outside with bags. 

"Home" I said as I sprinted to the comfort of my car that had AC. 

Once in the car,I let out a sigh of relief and air! This wedding is so gonna be a head ache!! 

But I am happy... ;)

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