chapter 35

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salaam... another chapter but this one is the nikah one, I actualy do not know much abot nikah ceremonies as I am a photo freka so I am busy taking wayyyy to much photos ;) So please tell me how you think was the chap. 

Pic of their attire at the side, not exactly that one but something like it! ------------->

I took a deep breath as per told by Madiha Bhabhi. Today was my wedding day, yayyy! NoT! I was freaking out! 

"Arshad, you are shaking your body, stay still or the pin will prick you!" said Talha bhai 

Apperantly they were getting me ready, they as in, Talha bhai, Rehaan bhai, Madiha Bhabhi and Fawaad. Adnaan, Aheel and Adeel were not here and the rest.... i have no idea. 

Ammi and them were already at the hall and Ahaya with "The Squealing Girls" excluding Madiha bhabhi were at the hotel where the wedding was taking place. 

I was wearing the sharwaani thingi that had the long kurta, designer, i don't know from where though, that was cream mixed with redish orange, silver and gold work on it. The pants was like skinnies that was redish orange and there was a shawl that also the same colour. I had to wear a turban, that is a type of hat that i had to wear. The first thing I did when I saw myself in the mirror was cry and whine. I looked horrible!!! 

My hair was disheveled coz of the turban but it was okay I guess. 

"Bhai do i need to wear this?" I asked Talha bhai gesturing to my whole outfit

He nodded, then smirked and that made me wish I had not asked him that question

"Don't wear it and Ahaya will go to someboys else!" He said earning a glare from me and laughs from the rest. 

Rehaan bhai took photos while Fawaad decided to pin on the broches that is compulsory for the grooms side to wear. 

My phone rang and it was ammi so I gave it to Bhabhi to answer. 

"Salaam ma!" said Bhabhi and I smiled. They got along all too well. 

Then after alot of "Huh, uh huh and yes ma" she hung up. 

"What happened?" I aksed 

"We need to leave, everyone is waiting!!!" said Bhabhi 

Talha bhai was my best man that is he was to be with me all the time, Fawaad and Rehaan bhai were with us and bhabhi would be with Ahaya. 

"Shall we?" asked Rehaan bhai and we nodded. 


The hotel was "Holiday Inn". It was in New Delhi so the ride was long but fun. 

We arrived at sharp 7.30pm. I called ammi and they said they would be out in any minute. 

We stood there waiting. All too soon, Ammi's squealing voice came from the enterance. 

She hugged me and Masi, Badi mah along with daadi (gramdma) and Adnaan bhai came in the view. 

I smiled at them and then ammi said that it was time for the grand enterance. 

Rehaan hai lterally bathe me in perfume that he had with him, before we entered. 

I took a deep breath and walked in with Talha bhai on one side and Madiha bhabhi on the other. Ammi, Daadi mah and Masi were infront and Fawaad, Adnaan and Rehaan bhai at the back. 

I wlaked slowly inside as all eyes focussed on me. Oh hell! The sides were seperated with curtains and the enterance wasin between them. We walked up until the stage and all boys turned right while all ladies turned left. I had to sit on the couch type sofa faving another sofa. The sofa's were seperated again wil curtians. I set down and Fawaad and Talha bhai set down beside me respectively with Rehaan bhai taking photos. 

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